Some of you will be familiar with frustration nests. When a nest fails the pair often build a frustration nest.
This of you who have read Scottish Ospreys (page 70) will remember how it was the discovery of a frustration nest in the Sluggan pass in 1955 alerted the powers that be that ospreys were nesting in Scotland.
The reason I bring up this topic now is that there are reports of a frustration nest at Loch of The Lowes. I have no details yet.
Sometimes frustration nests are built up into real nests the following season but more likely they are abandoned.
I do believe that the new nest at Bassenthwaite started as a "frustration" nest last year. Mind you that was odd because Bassenthwaite was a successful nest last year. However the Bassenthwaite female ha been known to like a change of scenery in the past. Just as well she is not at Loch Garten!!
Tiger Signature
Unknown said: Tiger thank you but I am convinced that I did read that the nest at LOTL was once a frustration nest but I am wrong again and happy to admit it :)
Tiger thank you but I am convinced that I did read that the nest at LOTL was once a frustration nest but I am wrong again and happy to admit it :)
Well you could well be right. The answer is I just do not know!
Now will EJ and Odin be building a frustration nest this year?
I'll say 'no' don't think so TIGER. Doubt Odin has the energy at the moment, anyway. And, somehow, for no reason in particular just don't think Odin is 'in' to frustration nests. He'd have started already wouldn't he?. Where is the nearest likely tree - ....
Hazel b said: Now will EJ and Odin be building a frustration nest this year?
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Extra nests are not always the result of failed seasons. Monty built his 'shed' at the end of a successful season. No Ring and Mrs at Bassenthwaite built a small nest after raising young. They then moved to it the following spring. It proved to be a frustration nest for the project team. They only had distant views and were unable to ring the youngsters. The tree was too spindly to climb and the ground too boggy to approach with a cherry picker.
Hilary J