Since I am at present unable to find any of the people who until this morning have posted on the LG blog , I am starting this thread to provide us with a gathering place to our liking. If this is successful and  we do reunite here, the thread will be updated daily or as needed.  Come & join me, folks, it's lonesome here.


  • Be sure to check out the Daily Update forum too for great photos, videos, etc.  and the happenings at the LG nest.  Hopefully there's something for everyone in the Loch Garten Ospreys forum threads.  

  • Sunshine, I have indeed been celebrating Fourth of July/Independance Day but in a very quiet way this year.  Started with patriotic hymns & patriotic themed sermon at church on Sun 3rd. Many of us wore red white & blue in some form.  This holiday is a Big Deal over here with parades, speeches, music, flag waving and FIRE WOrKS!  Everything from backyard cookouts & family fireworks to community celebrations to national Fireworks displays to the accompaniment of the very best in symphonic music, to be enjoyed by huge crowds & everybody else on TV.    We do take our independence seriously (at least one day a year anyway) and emotions often run high.

    It is nice to feel free to chat as much as we want.  Our teenagers have been chatting, too, on their minimized screen.  Time to check in & see whats going on.  Sounds like it might be feeding time.

  • June so pleased you had a good Independance day and feels strange but nice here.

    I am really hoping the Tore and Bynack fledge earlier this year as I do not want to miss it.

    I saw chick #1 and 3 fledge last year, such excitement coming up.

    Sunshine your dream made me chuckle too.

    Incidentaly I do not know if any of you know but Lady and the Laird have been mating again today, please no eggs.

  • Sunshine and B and B - maybe we will all meet here now have to wait and see.

    B & B - Why are you not going to Oban and then get the Cal Mac ferry to Craignure. Thats the way I went with my wife and we stayed in a hotel Western Isles in Tobermorry a most beutiful place or is your man too tight. Do not forget to tell us your trip report - you can introduce me as a friend and let me know all about it if you like.

    Sunshine/B & B I like your blogs and also like Forres blogs - you must keep contributing otherwise life is too serious.

    All oters hope to see you all around.

  • Oh - looks like there are two chat threads going now.  I recognise all the names so this really is a community.

  • Hi Keith, My instinct is to go to Oban and maybe the ferry is more expensive but less hassle and less diesel.

    So looking forward to going to Mull.

    I was at Lowes last year and in the middle hide too elderly ladies let me use their bins, they were focus free and I could see so weill. I got some for my birthday from Jim but not very good, probably on the cheep lol.

    I will let you know what wildlife I see, I am so excited and a pleasure to know you and yes I would love to make friends.

    Emma maybe it will get slightly confusing but yes you are right it is a community :)

  • Hi June, Sunshine, B&B and Keith--found you!. Like Keith I really like the blog but will check both these sights out daily now. Thanks June for setting up.

    Haven't had much chance to view today as we are expecting our own new arrival --ie; no 6 grandchild--should be any day now.-, and is the reason I can't get to LG this year, but come what may, I shall be there next year hopefully around this time to see some wing flapping and maybe a fledging--hope so.

    Looks like it's been a very wet day at LG but looks dry at present with the youngsters preening and cleaning up generally. Hope they don't fly away too soon--this season seems to have flown by.

  • At long last i have found where u have all been hiding lol

  • June I too had a fab 4th July lol it is my Birthday lol, but like u I also had a quiet time