A new day and a special one for all Americans. HAPPY 4th July to the Americans on our forum.
However when Tore and Bynack ask "What is for breakfast today?" EJ is very likely to say "FISH".
Tiger Signature
Good Morning. Nice to come on and find them sitting preening in the sunshine. They will be doing lots of wingercising now, ready to copy Mum and fly off!
Many Thanks for all the reports yesterday, and last nights pics and posts.
Morning all and happy 4th July to all our US bloggers and lurkers. 3 fish already from Odin so good to see he is keeping up his standards. There has not been much sibling rivalry lately and it is almost as calm as the Manton Bay nest where all 3 have been very well behaved.
Glad to hear that they are still doing well at Manton Bay, Alan, as I don't have time to keep up with all the nests. Wonder how many fish Odin will find in total today, as its a good day for fishing.
Good mortning all and many thanks for all the news from over the weekend together with the usual wonderful captures and videos. I don't think I am ever going to catch up with things properly. Good to know Odin has delivered 3 fish already and while I type all is quiet on the nest with Tore and Bynack laying flat. There were a few warning cheeps a little while ago so I wonder if there is an intruder around. Can see one of them, not sure which is panting so it must be quite warm at LG today. How nice to see it is dry again for them and that dreadful wind that blighted them for so long has keep away. Reading through I can see I have missed such a lot, seems harder for me to catch up this year for some reason, but of course I was at LG for a week and saw much when I was there. All things being equal I am going to start my diary for that week on the weekly chat. Should have a lot more time this week as I do not have to go anywhere. Have a good osprey watching day all.
Happy 4 July to our frends in the US.
Seconded :)
EJ has decided to leave the nest while a bit of wing exercising is going on.
Just been out to the shops ... I see I haven't missed much! Pages are still painfully slow to load :-(
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Hello Joan, I'm going out shortly but just experimenting with this pic to see if it loads OK No problem !
Think a fish is required a bit of complaining going on while EJ does a bit of housework.