A new day and a special one for all Americans. HAPPY 4th July to the Americans on our forum.
However when Tore and Bynack ask "What is for breakfast today?" EJ is very likely to say "FISH".
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I do love the way that Tore and Bynack snuggle up close, side by side. Reassurance perhaps.
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I can see the feather Scylla. I think Tore is in a hurry to get airborne.
EJ back on nest and 'the young ones lie flat
Big alarm call, but Gems already hunkered down. EJ flies to nest to be on hand. Belated calls from a Gem, unless s/he's seen a spider ;-D
I guess a spider in your feathers is not very comfortable Scylla.
EJ still alert,
Wind coming up - EJ was just going to take off and changed her mind.
A bit earlier, Tore surveying the countryside. Looking young, sometimes she looks absolutely adult.
And here's EJ showing her petticoats whilst attending to the wall :-)
There's going to be some fun and games if Rothes intrudes on the nest.
True Alan and she won't be shifted very easily.
Is there an EJ family tree anywhere, I wonder? That would be so useful :-)