Weekly Chat, Sunday 3 Jul 2011

Welcome to a new week. Check back to last week's chat for news. Linda is spending weekend with Tomasz. Annette has been told to slow down . . . by Brenda who sounds just as busy! Alan has been wandering shops again.

  • Unknown said:

    A picture to cheer - if it posts:

    WOW OG - what a fab photo the colour intensity is beautiful.

  • A wonderfully cheerful picture OG  just stunning


    Mary   . have a great time at LG.

  • The Grandson’s have blogged – they reached their first overnight stop at Roy Bridge.  Whole route is 220 miles – in 3 days!  Ouch!!  They have already exceeded their target for sponsorship.

    Lynette – glad everything is complete with your new shelves for the linen – oh, I see you also have some outdoor work planned!

    Mary – thanks for tip re checking with Glentress before visiting – wouldn’t be for a while now, anyway, too much happening!  Missed your mention of LG on Monday until mentioned by Cirrus!  Enjoy!

    Really must stop this time!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • I have been lurking not posting over last few days. Thank you ALL for chat & pics - you are life-savers. Too many to reply to.

  • Thanks Cirrus and OG - getting excited I can't sleep.

    Nice photo Gary - looks like he/she is deep in thought.

  • Evening all:  Sorted out winter togs today to wash and put away until - um - winter (or what passes for it here). Then to Mission rose garden, gym, and home to leftovers from last night's dinner which took an awful lot of prep and hassle and tasted not wonderful! (Won't try that recipe again.)

    GARY: Good to see you (and Toffee); year is whizzing by here too. Wonder what the Russians are planning, space-program-wise, now that you mention it...  What! You're going to meet OG and her OH? Great (she likes carrot cake by the way).  Are you going to LG?

    CIRRUS: Don't feel bad - I got a nice note today saying that my post on the "Site very slow" thread suggesting that the problem was perhaps due to the NoTW hacking into the RSPB's site was deleted for being off-topic.

    OG: Have a glass of wine (not with your meds) and relax; don't worry about responding to posts or e-mails. Gorgeous flowers - so cheery.

    DJOAN: Hope you feel better soon.

    MARY: Welcome back - can't get over the photos of the bird in the hand; definitely worth two in the bush!  They don't look bothered at all.

    QUIETWOMAN: Are you still having to sign on? Maybe another blip in the system....

    LYNETTE: Glad your closets are sorted.

    AQ!  All OK down under I hope?

    OK; think I'll call it a night here. Have a good Saturday ALL!

  • Oh very frustrating. That last long post never uploaded according to the little round thing, but there it is.  I'm off to bed.

  • God morning all and thanks to Garry  for the pic of Toffee, she is so beautiful but all grown up now.


    DjoanS hope you will be feeling better today.


    Have a good weekend all and take care.


  • I do hope you are feeling a little  better today Joan and managed to enjoy nest watching.

    Start your packing early Mary - and please give my best to 'The Family' wlhen you arrive at LG. I did enjoy your birdie pics

    After all you frustration and trouble regarding  cleaners OG I wish you a truly wonderful break away in Ayrshisre to make up for it despite uncertaintly about cleaning  help when you get back
    Cycling 220 miles in three days . What stalwarts!!! Congrats and a half to them OG. I hope they raise Zilliions.

    Annette - oh ROFL  (naughty girl, you  :)      )


    Out h