Weekly Chat, Sunday 3 Jul 2011

Welcome to a new week. Check back to last week's chat for news. Linda is spending weekend with Tomasz. Annette has been told to slow down . . . by Brenda who sounds just as busy! Alan has been wandering shops again.

  • Dibnlib : LadyP was a tad reluctant to enter the hide but I did manage to persuade her. Mind you we only stayed for 5 minutes.



  • Hi, all. Just stopped in to say hello. I have a long To-Do list today. I'll try to catch up with everyone later.

    Today is the beginning of the "Dog Days" (in the Northern Hemisphere, called the "Dog Days of Summer"). Traditionally, the Dog Days begin on July 3 and continue until August 11 (40 days). The Dog Days coincide with the appearance of Sirius, the Dog Star, located in the constellation Canis Major (Great Dog). 
    Old Farmer's Almanac Calendar for July 3, Dog Days Begin

    Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Cultures all over the world and throughout history have attached special significance to the rising of Sirius and the following Dog Days.

    Everyone have a good week!!!

  • Yep, DIANE, the Hunter's (Orion) dog star. And I'm  sure you know that Betelguese, the top left star of the constellation of Orion has been getting dimmer over the last decade but only   showed up to my eyes late last year. It's taken that long for the (dimmer) light to reach earth. Astronomers believe Betelguese could go super nova in the next couple or three years.

  • Paddy went to the bank for a loan and the teller says to him "I'm sorry but the loan arranger's off today sir. Paddy replies "Ok. I'll talk to Tonto if he's in!"

  • Been out most of today - church this morning, home for soup, out for cream tea. long drive round moorland and forested valleys, stopped at Gretna Gateway (outlet village) for a few purchases, down to Annan shore to look for birds, then home, ending with tea at about 8:30!

    Tomorrow have postponed blood test at 11:30 - saw phlebotomist today at the cream tea - she still has her fingers crossed!

    Happy 4th July for tomorrow!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Annette  Just a reminder that you should see the ISS fly nearly overhead on Monday July 4 at 8.29pm. Details are here on page 10  of the last weekly thread.

    HAPPY 4th July

    It reminds me a day long ago when I was just 17 and had arrived in London 3 days earlier. Things had not gone well and my travelling companion and I were worried about what would happen next. I remember sitting in an hotel on the morning of 4th July and a woman was talking about going out to celebrate 4th. It seemed all a bit surreal. Fortunately life seems a bit better now than it did that morning.

  • Happy Fourth of July for those in that part of the world.

    Annette - I see that Will & Kate will be visiting LA after Canada. You have kept it very quiet that they are really heading to Cal to unveil your new fountain. LOL

    There's hope for the future, Aussies won the boys & girls titles at Wimbledon. Now the tennis is over, we have the Tour de France. Not particularly interested in the bikes but that's the way I would like to travel - zooming over chateaux, eglises, etc in a helicopter.

    Two pics of German scenery, haven't a clue where we were, somewhere on the 3 hour drive south of Heidelberg.

  • Unknown said:

    Hi, all. Just stopped in to say hello. I have a long To-Do list today. I'll try to catch up with everyone later.

    Today is the beginning of the "Dog Days" (in the Northern Hemisphere, called the "Dog Days of Summer"). Traditionally, the Dog Days begin on July 3 and continue until August 11 (40 days). The Dog Days coincide with the appearance of Sirius, the Dog Star, located in the constellation Canis Major (Great Dog). 
    Old Farmer's Almanac Calendar for July 3, Dog Days Begin

    Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Cultures all over the world and throughout history have attached special significance to the rising of Sirius and the following Dog Days.

    Everyone have a good week!!!

    You too Diane.I love to see Sirius/Sothis and Orion. Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka, Betelguese, Bellatrix, Saiph, Rigel. Since childhood I have loved these. 

  • "I remember sitting in an hotel on the morning of 4th July and a woman was talking about going out to celebrate 4th. It seemed all a bit surreal. Fortunately life seems a bit better now than it did that morning.

    Yes Tiger. With hindsight we know that life can change for the better, but there are times when we find it hard to believe.

  • Evening all:  Lovely day today - went to gym then managed to get to the Farmer's Market in time to buy some of the fast-disappearing yummy peaches. Then home for lunch and a loll in the hammock, where I had a nice snooze until Lightning decided to join me by leaping up beside me. OH hooked up the propane tank to the new BBQ and I'm going to try it out tomorrow.

    Thanks ALL for July 4 good wishes (even though I'm a Brit in disguise).

    TIGER: (I'm using CAPS because I can't get the "rich formatting" link to work!  Sigh....)

    I've got the ISS pass noted; thanks very much for the link. But true to form, our morning/evening cloud cover has moved in again, so not only may the ISS not be visible, but local civic firework displays may (yet again) end up in the clouds too. Stay tuned! I don't even know that person who inhabited my body when I was 17; as they say "Youth is wasted on the young."

    DIANE Hope you make some progress on your To-Do list and that it's not too hot there.

    CIRRUS Re Betelguese, are they saying the supernova has already happened and the event will only be detected in three years or that it will actually happen in that time? Fascinating.

    OG: Good luck with your veins tomorrow - do you have to fast for the test (I was going to say, too bad the phlebotomist didn't have her kit with her at the cream tea)?

    AQ: Ah yes, Will & Kate will in fact be right here in Santa Barbara at our swishy polo grounds on Saturday, June 9. Typically, plain vanilla people like me can take a picnic onto the grounds any Sunday afternoon in the summer and watch the matches. However, Will is actually playing and Kate will be awarding some cup or other to the winner - it's a charity match and tIckets are $400 to $4,000!!   Don't look for me in the media coverage!  (And yes, I did keep the fountain unveiling under wraps, didn't I?  :-))   I'm more interested in France than in the actual Tour; Armstrong has now been accused by yet another team mate of using drugs. All rather depressing.

    HI to everyone else; do hope they fix the site tomorrow - sooooo frustrating!!