Welcome to a new week. Check back to last week's chat for news. Linda is spending weekend with Tomasz. Annette has been told to slow down . . . by Brenda who sounds just as busy! Alan has been wandering shops again.
Brenda: Re my daughter's friend, hospitals are required by law to treat anyone and everyone, so he's getting really good care. In many instances, the emergency room is the only alternative for folks with no insurance (if you don't work for a large employer, you're unlikely to be able to afford an individual policy). It's one of the things that's pushing up the cost of care here: Many people are unable to afford insurance but also don't qualify for state programs for the poor, which are the first targets for budget cutters. It's a false savings though, since people wouldn't require highly expensive ER care if there was some way for them to get basic, preventive care in the first place. In this case, this guy is "lucky" in that there's no way in heaven he'll be able to pay the bill since he's a casual agrictultural laborer, owns no home and has few assets; many others have sold homes to pay bills or have declared bankruptcy. And of crourse, try to raise taxes to pay for health care (or schools, police, fire deparments) is like waving a red rag to a bull as far as many voters are concerned; they're convinced they're highly taxed but of course, compared to European countries that provide care for everyone, our tax rates are pretty low. Instead, we give tax breaks to oil companies...... It's one of the things that gets me really upset with this country. Grrrrrr.
Sorry for rant!
Am amazed by what's happening to Nadal.
Come on Nadal, at least Annette and I are cheering for you!!
Annette I really don't understand why so many Americans were against the health bill that Obama was pushing through - but perhaps I just didn't understand. We are lucky to have our NHS, despite the many moans about it.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Tiger : Not that I am aware of unless it was one of Big Rabs but I cant recall it either.
Deleted post; site slow didn't think it had uploaded.
Cirrus : It is about a 30minute drive to the Lyndon Centre from where I live.
Sheila/Cirrus: Yes, be thankful for the NHS.
Amazing match; Djokovic is playing really well.....
Novak Djokovic is the champion. Thoroughly deserved. FAB
Really well deserved Alan; he didn't lose his cool once. Brilliant playing, but poor Nadal must be in shock!
I have to admit Djoko did play extremely well, and this year has actually shown some humility and grace, so perhaps I may like him next year! I feel for poor Raffa though. Completely outplayed. IF, and just an IF, Andy had got thru to the final I really don't think he would have stood a chance.
ALAN you wouldn't find me going into any building with a wasps nest. I am scared stupid.
Tennis wasn't as exciting as I had hoped. Think the best match was the semi between the Serb and the Frenchman.