A new day and a new thread.
Tiger Signature
Fish delivery - EJ flies in first, then Odin with the fish.
Scylla That is a really good video.
@Scylla: >>>Fish delivery - EJ flies in first, then Odin with the fish.
Wait a min, Scylla - did you mean to post Odin's fish delivery instead of Bynack's attack? :))
Imagicat || Tiger's links || 2022 LG Obs
Thank you CC! What's been happening, if I'm not careful, is that the URL is not being copied even tho it appears to have been, so I accidentally paste the previous URL still in memory :-/ I must remember to check the numbers, but wot with the site being so sludgy (excuses, excuses ;) ). I've corrected it now.
Yippee! Excellent video - I saw it but didn't record. :) Very quiet now at the nest. Wonder if EJ is out picking up a whale...
Tweens are grumbling on the nest!
EDIT - hurray ... the pages loaded normally ... and so did my pic!!!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Great pictures, videos and comments. Bynack was the recipient of too many branches laid on top of him when he was small . Now he is retaliating LOL
Interesting idea that the intruder may be Garten. We all know Garten did not take NO for an answer! And Garten was/is not intimidated by much . Remember his altercations with White TF?
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Unknown said: Interesting idea that the intruder may be Garten. We all know Garten did not take NO for an answer! And Garten was/is not intimidated by much . Remember his altercations with White TF?
If anyone saved the video of Garten defending his fish from White TF there is no doubt who won that round
For those who never met Garten. I found the video of Garten definding his fish from White TF. Note up to this point Garten had never flown with a fish in his talons