I am starting this thread so we don't lose the hilarious video Alison posted on the main blog
Keep your eyes on the fish !!
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
I meant 'double take' derrrrrrrrrrrrr
EJ returned to the nest to support Star after they too Storm - probably duplicate after all the PC probs I've had
I can't recall the sat. packs looking so obvious in that bright colour, The solar panels look bigger too.
Chick 1 is teasing us: brief glimpse of blue ring just then, but not clear enough to read its new ID. Glad to see #2 looking a bit brighter now.
I am trying to get out of the habit of calling then Star and Storm - we know them so well by those names, but will have to get used to their official names now.
Post tagging. EJ returns with fish she took away, Star eats, Storm frozen :(
OMG do we think Odin is upset by what's gone on?
EJ still calling and both chicks looking around, although lying down!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Well it's good to see one eat SCYLLA. Did Storm have a bite later. I'm fed up of finding my way around thread pages
If you look at the tag on Red8T in Garry Ridsdales pic you can see that the solar panel on the chicks is definately bigger. Not sure about the overall size of the unit though.