I am starting this thread so we don't lose the hilarious video Alison posted on the main blog
Keep your eyes on the fish !!
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
EJ is back and feeding Star. Storm won't get up to eat
Star is the courageous one and Storm the timid one. Storm may still be too traumatized to eat .
CIRRUS - my laptop has been complaining about low resources at times - I think that video stuff is heavy. Have even looked at some more powerful ones but... £5-6-700+++ :'(
From what I saw, the one on the right was the first to be tagged scylla. Well done for getting the clip :)
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Back from an afternoon trip with the family and I missed all the excitement... perhaps it's better that way, I would have been so nervous.
Thanks for all the pics and especially the great videos!
Hope all ospreys will be calm and comfortable again in some hours
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.
From past events, they always seem to get over the drama quickly, and life returns to normal for them. I'm sure everything will be fine.
But poor little Storm has missed a complete meal :'(
CIRRUS, please get back up 'n running :'( :'(
I agree with Chloe, the first tagged was the one on the right and is being very slow at recovering
EJ is tucking in, she must be hungry herself
I am sure Storm will be perfectly fine. Plenty more meals to come :)
Now we can see EJ's beak opening, as she shouts for MORE FISH!!!!