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Storm seems to be catching up with Star don't you know :)
Storm is acting so much more grown up now, she really is a Tween :)
Storm is right on the nest edge ... ulp and Star finally decided to have a feed
She does appear so more confident today, Cirrus. So good to see.
'Lor, that noise on the webcam is a w f u l - I've had to turn it off! - & I see I've just missed another fish - well done, Mr Odin The Mag!
Anyone got a thousand words? :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Don't start me off, Heron! - I could write reams about how wonderful and beautiful and entertaining these birds are....... !!!
(but your picture is worth a thousand!)
"And now we return to the latest programme in the current series of Odin's Giants" :-)
Oh, do back off Star - let mamma have a decent feed, you are simply not that hungry.
Absolutely Paul.
I have been busy capturing loads of pix of this beautiful poser. I think it's Star, but not too sure. I need to see the brilliant colour on the back of the neck, sorry!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018