A new day begins and fledging draws ever closer. Star reaches day 40 today and Storm 35
An idyllic scene on the nest with both chicks preening.
Tiger Signature
I've edited my post above to include your noise related info. Have turned off the fans but too late, it's stopped. Did I just catch something like geese?
Hi Annette - I'm not able to sleep this morning but it looks like its going to be a rare beautiful day at LG. The noise you are hearing is a deer, by the sound of it its a red deer. First time I ever heard it in the woods round Grantown I thought it was some rabid dog on the loose, but soon tracked it down to a deer - I often wonder if its a female giving birth as you only hear it at this time of year - really eerie though!
I think EJ must be on the side of the nest, I can hear rattling of sticks. Unless there's other wildlife near the mike.
Oh heck, I've been watching a frozen picture thinking the chicks were still asleep ;-D
Star is looking longingly out over the countryside. I hope she controls herself!
JulieQ: What an odd noise for a deer (at least to my untutored ears); interesting - but eerie for sure. Thanks for the info!
Scylla: You'll never get a good video watching a frozen pic! Actually, between you and me, I was watching the same frozen image for about half an hour after I posted that image, but I was too embarrased to say anything since I've done it several times before! Duh! (What will the day shift think?} :-)
Scylla: Indeed, Star seems more adventuresome than usual this morning. Storm still waiting for room service. But wait, Storm just got up and flapped - granted, a token flap. Oh, now Storm is rearranging the furniture. Star is still clearly fascinated by the great beyond....
I can play the wmv videos via a wifi PVR onto my TV, but not the asf... by the looks of it. I've got EJ settling onto 2 tiny chicks on my big screen :D
Sounds like someone's defending their territory or family :o
EJ? Sitting on chicks? Which image are you looking at now? And what is PVR and asf? (Don't worry about explaining, I won't understand it).