So a new day begins. One hopes that the weather will improve a bit.
Tiger Signature
EJ goes off cam (stage right) and what sounds like moving the furniture! The tweens are like "but Mum, we're trying to get some kip"
The tweens look at us "Will you tell her please?"
Yes. I think Odin was encouraging EJ to stop shouting.
In a couple of minutes I'm going to try to start a new daily thread (not done that before) and post a link from here to it (Tiger taught me how to post links :) ) Just in case anyone else is doing it at the same time!
Sorry, just got a bit distracted by TV OH watching. The absolute injustice for that poor Dowler family. A close relative of mine was killed along with 2 of his friends when he was a school boy. The murderer was able to twist things to imply the 11 year old boys were being careless. I am just SO angry.
Oh Gosh, Daisy Ray, that sounds horrific. I am not surprised you are angry.
I've just started a new daily thread. I shall meet you over there. Here's a link to Daily Update, Saturday, 25th June 2011