So a new day begins. One hopes that the weather will improve a bit.
Tiger Signature
LOL Daisy Ray, well at least there is harmony in the camp now :)
I wonder if Odin will deliver a late fish tonight?
Yes, he might, Hazel. How many is it now today? Four? They may be hungry still.
It still appears to be quite light.
BTW, OH and I noticed how like EJ chick 1 is tonight. They were both staring straight towards the camera, heads held similarly, and markings on chick 1 so like EJ's head markings.
Brenda, I totally agree with you re tagging etc and chick 2 next week. Poor thing.
I make it 4 fish too Daisy Ray (in bold for Cirrus to see easily upon her return). Well, I think the latest (officially) recorded time of a fish was 11.15 p.m. but recorded time here was later than that (sorry, can't remember, memory failure now).
Peaceful slumbers
What !!! only FOUR fish??
LoL Hazel this reallly does look like Star is whispering in Storm's ear and Storm is considering the proposition
Hazel B said: "'ere Storm, both Mum and Dad are out, what do you think about a Friday night party?"
"'ere Storm, both Mum and Dad are out, what do you think about a Friday night party?"
A hungry Tween
I saw Odin bring in a fish a few weeks back at about 23:49 [can't remember without going back]. Tiger witnessed it too. Sadly neither of us videoed or captured it on still-cam. but we both commented on it being very unusual; and very special.
OK gotta make myself a coffee (just got from work) - I SO hope our hero does his steely stuff and brings in a late fish
Hello, Cirrus.
I'm back from choir practice; and I delivered the cake I made yesterday to my friend for the sale tomorrow.