So a new day begins. Star is 34 days and Storm is 29 days today.
So the fledging window opens in just two weeks time. Where is this season going?
Sunrise at Loch Garten 4.18am and sunset 10.16pm
Tiger Signature
That's a lovely shot of Odin, Cirrus.
I am convinced they are girls but do not know at what stage/age we should definitely see their final raiment ;)
They have 'tween' raiment at the moment but the Camouflage markings won't be replaced with truly adult feathers for another year (or 2 oh knowledgeable ones?)
Ah the tweens are snuggling up to the right hand side of the nest cos that's where EJ is when she stands on the rim of the nest
Lovely photo Cirrus...
Here is one of EJ looking right at us...
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
1433 Fish delivery video - we'd have such a wonderful view of Odin's head if only the lens was clear :(
Do my eyes deceive me - or do we have a clear lens!!! ;-D Now please do something very interesting, EJ!
I may have posted this earlier, I have my senior moments more and more these days. See how like mother and daughter they are:
Oh yes Mary - I think EJ looks like a kind ''grandma'' there :)
Super video Scylla it's a shame about the rain on the lens yes, Star is very like EJ - as Rothes is !!
Hello, Everyone.
Cirrus, I had no idea that my name and avatar would cause such confusion when I chose it.
I wanted to use my own photo in order not to infringe any copyright - there are so many daisy photos when you go to Google images!! So the day I signed up to this forum and blog I went into the garden and took a pic of one of our daisy flowers.
My school friend called me Daisy Ray. In our first French language lesson our dear teacher named all of us with a French name that was as close to our own names. I was called Desiree [I cant put the accent in as my keyboard won't allow that].
I hope that helps sort things out a little.
If it would help stop confusion I'll rename myself for this blog and use Desiree. I could use a single red rose as my avatar.
What do you all think? Do let me know. I really don't mind at all either way. I'm easy about it.
Hazel b said: So a new day begins. Star is 34 days and Storm is 29 days today. So the fledging window opens in just two weeks time. Where is this season going? Sunrise at Loch Garten 4.18am and sunset 10.16pm
How about these to be going on with? Sorry about the hours, minutes, seconds etc. but can't find a decent customisable one with just days on it.
Count Up Clocks - Time Since Hatch
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Stay as you are please DAISY RAY - i like your avatar :)
You'll have to do an EJ count down clock for us for next season !!! :)