Ha! Longest day of the year. Will be back around 9 our time - have book club at my house tonight.
There is a new blog by Caroline Rance called Soggy Solstice
Tiger Signature
What a miserable old day for them :(( I've had the cam/sound on in the background and keep hearing the plink plonk of rain. Sorry not been able to post - working from home but really had my head stuck in something. Going to go back now and catch up though :) so thank you to all who have posted. Was going to post a pic but I don't think anyone would want to be reminded of what a miserable day they are having!
Thanks Tiger
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
FISH 16.22
A jet flying over is SO loud, how dare they while EJ and chicks eating
Thank you Mary GK! I was watching Scylla's video at the time and couldn't work out why the sound effects didn't match! I was thinking 'but that sounds like a fish delivery' and it still didn't 'twig'. I even rewound the video, laugh out loud!!! Oh, it's been a long day. At least you're on the ball!
This miserable weather does make it a Loooooong day Hazel.
Off to make a curry to heat myself up.
Morning all: Great videos Scylla and Alan - as Mary said, a shame the lens was so wet.
Barbara: You remarked earlier that LG didn't give out a lot of info re the ringing last year. THe only thing I remember was that it was really windy, which could be dangerous for the folks going up the ladder and by the time the weather settled down the chicks were wingercizing so much they were worried that one would take off prematurely over the side of the nest in fright. Looks like they'll just need umbrellas this year!
Off to start the day.
Great videos Scylla and Alan. Fabulous capture of Odin (bless him)
Trying to make up for my daftness with the video/real life event thing ! As I've been reading through the posts, I make that FISH 4 delivered at 1622.
Fish 1 0701 Reported by Rachel, Pam, Barbara Jean & Annette
Fish 2 0918 Reported by Brenda H & DjoanS
Fish 3 1400 Reported by Mary GK & Alan
Fish 4 1622 Reported by the Lone Ranger and on the ball Mary GK!!!!!!!
Meanwhile, thank you for the brilliant video Scylla - goes to show that EJ has the patience of a Saint! Love the title 'Pesky Pestering Gems' and adore the way your mind works (especially with Elizabeth Jane). Brilliant video, too, Alan with Odin taking center stage and why shouldn't he indeed!
Now, am going to try to master how to post a link. I commented this morning that I would try to find out how to do it, so thank you Tiger, I see you have posted a link(!) on how to do it. I see you have mastered it Mary GK, well done (and for working out the quote thingy)! As daft as I've just been I'm not sure I will be able to follow your lead!
Mums protecting wings!!!