Ha! Longest day of the year. Will be back around 9 our time - have book club at my house tonight.
Had problem refreshing the page; had to come back in the long way. Poor EJ; where's that lovely morning glow from the rising sun?
"These rascals kept me up most of the night and now Odin is late with breakfast! This day is NOT starting out well ! "
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Hmm. THought for a minute Odin was on approach but EJ took off for a flyabout. Chicks awake.
Everytime one of the chicks backs up to the camera I hope they have a bad aim LOL
Last thing we need is a camera lens covered in chick poo
So where did Mum go?
OK So which is which?
Yeah. That was a near miss a little bit ago. :-)
Storm is looking out from the nest and Star is laying down
See the head markings? And Star has more rust color in the back of it's head
Chicks seem to get along just fine - both awake and puttering about but have now settled down again.
Morning all. Got back last night from a few days in Aviemore. Had great time and popped in to LG a couple of times. Fantastic to see the nest in it's entire setting and get some photos. We were also lucky enough to see a young badger feeding right outside the window in the middle of the afternoon. It had a gammy leg and didn't look in the best condition so that's probably why it was out in the daytime.
The chicks look as if they are home alone. Do you think EJ has gone off to get her own breakfast?
As long as Star keeps the rusty collar I'll be okay.