Morning all: Just tuned in to find breakfast has already been served.
Joan, I just walked into the room as Star was standing up and I had to look twice at the screen. S/he looked so big.
Another fish delivery, Odin has now flown off. What a commotion for his coming in with one. Was sorting my delivery of bird feed out and heard it in the conservatory.
All now feeding, Star taking first turn then hopefully Storm.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
FISH : 1415hr very approx (for CIRRUS's attention ;) )
Good gracious, Odin is making up for the other day's shortfall :) See how laid back Star is, letting Storm have first dibs without quibble.
Oops, video stream has dropped out.
Just a quick look in and can see the magnificent Odin has delivered again. Star and Storm have grown so much since I last saw them on Friday evening. As someone said getting quite difficult to tell them apart now. I was so heartened while at LG to see that EJ makes sure that both chicks are fed equally. She usually stuffs Star first and then Storm get stuffed next. There were times last week when they had so much food they were turning away from it and EJ was getting a share.
Fish no 6!!!!:
Failed to post pic, going funny on me. Will try again.
EJ feeding the GEMS
Well they are certainly getting plenty to eat today. Well done Odin
Yes, Margobird, I just remarked on Star's reserve at mealtimes these days - well, specifically at this last meal :) Star seems definitely the more mature, mentally (if ospreys have a mentality ;) ).
Just can't stop but please forgive me for saying - I actually saw a lot of this feee. Star got the lion's share (almost the entire fish !! ) with Storm most definitely taking a back seat. Hope she ate well earlir.
scylla said: FISH : 1415hr very approx (for CIRRUS's attention ;) ) Good gracious, Odin is making up for the other day's shortfall :) See how laid back Star is, letting Storm have first dibs without quibble. Oops, video stream has dropped out.
Thanks for the fish report Scylla - an amazing 6 fish so far.