Morning all: Happy new week.
MARGO: Welcome back!! :-))
Wendy: Thanks for keeping us up to date on Margo's Big Adventure.
dibnlib: How nice to bump into Margo et al.
Lindybird: Yes, June Gloom highly predictable; if you know of anyone planning to come to California in June, tell them not to expect beach weather, but can be pretty hot away from the coast. Re new dark countertops that don't show dirt, have been horrified to find globs of dried up sticky stuff on ours; now have to bend over and catch the light on the surface to see what needs to be scrubbed.
Diane: Only four feet from a deer? Wow. Pretty impressive, especially after looking at the pix! Maybe whistle a happy tune or put bells on your shoes next time?
Jay-Me: Vacation time sounds nice and relaxing!
Lynette: Thanks for clarifying which part of you is hurting! :-) Nice that all your furniture is finally set up; now enjoy it.
OK, off to fix dinner; back later.
Good Morning To ALL. First morning for a while that it is not raining, although we did have some last night.
OG, Todays the day. I hope all goes well with your jab. Thanks for the unusual oystercatcher photographs.
Margo, I also hope that you are improving this morning.
AQ, Enjoy your lower temperatures. We are waiting for something warmer.
This is one of those mornings when the phone keeps ringing. I will catch up later.
Good Morning everybody. I have just had a telephone call from Margobird, who asked me if I would post on her behalf. Margo is still feeling rotten, but her computer has decided to be unwell also, and will probably have to go in for repair. Margo is cuddled up on the settee with Billie and hopes that both she and the computer will be better soon.
Morning all,
Heather : Thanks for letting us know about Margo. I hope she is better soon.
Tiger : They look cute now but they are going to be mighty large before you know it.
Trish : Hamish has lots of bother with his ears. It is a common thing in older cockers. He has recently been on otomax prescribed by the vet and I have to clean them twice a day.
Thanks to everyone else for the chat and OG for the pics of the oystercatcher.
Watched some of the Andy Murray match last night. Mostly the first set which he lost. Checked the result later and could not believe how easily he won in the end.
This morning I went to the Scottish barber in Oundle for a haircut and on the way back stopped off at Glapthorn Cow Pastures to see if there were any Black Hairstreak butterflies around. No joy again as it was a bit cloudy. However I was the only one in the reserve and the peace and quiet was amazing. Heard at least one nightingale and several chiff chaffs singing away. No deer around although there had been 3 Muntjac yesterday and a Fallow deer according to the reserve diary. On the way out met 3 lots of people so just got round in time. Also on the way home saw a red kite near Bluebell Lakes at Tansor.
Wet, wet, wet! How can it do this after yesterday? Also has a “muggy” feel to it, so not at all pleasant. Been to Doc – injection and loads of sympathy. Taking life slowly today. Nothing happening here anyway, and no news.
AQ – we too have horizontal shrubs – tall ones at back are weighed down by rain and keeping front shorter ones dry! I think the ancestors would be easier to find if they all had at least two given names, and always used the same ones on census forms etc – and several of ours had 12 children! Looking forward to some photos.
Diane – and a Happy Summer Solstice to you, too! Sorry you are so tired – do look after yourself. Hadn’t realised Book Club was at your house this time, so you would be busy cleaning up. I’m sure a good time was had by all – especially with Strawberries!
Dibnlib – OH is very keen on Oystercatchers – they often call as they fly past, but don’t usually land here.
Tiger – they are beeeeautiful! I thought they were getting one, not a whole litter!
Lindy – subsidies to farmers haven’t really helped cash flow anyway, some have waited over a year before they see the payments!
Heather – thanks for message from Margo – please tell her we are thinking of her and wishing her, and the computer, a speedy recovery.
Alan – sounds like a worthwhile stop on your trip yesterday, but sorry you still didn’t see your Black Hairstreak.
Ought to be thinking whether I am supposed to be doing stuff while OH is at Tesco’s!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
OG They are only getting one from that litter. I am not quite sure which one.
Tiger Signature
Margobird I am glad that the midges didnt bother you at all at LG, hope that you are feeling better soon and also that your computer gets well too.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
An interesting thing happened last week. I was at the AGM of a charity whose books I audit. It so happened that a query arose over one of the figures. Fortunately I was able to explain that it was just a typographical error and did not affect the accounts themselves. Still it was unfortunate.
Anyway yesterday I got a letter from the treasuer explaining in chapter and verse as to how the error occured. She said "I see there is a simple explanation for the error in my accounts, which was not a very serious error, but the first error I have made in 40 years of doing the accounts"
Wow how did I fail to detect the only error in 40 years? That is why her books are so hard to audit is because one does not expect to find any errors.
Hi folks, back from gym where pool, although temp was 85 it was a little warmer than last weeks. You put me to shame Dibnib - at least I managed 10 lengths today, a bit better than last week. Much prefer to swim rather than work out.
OG - I think I will difinitely have to join a genealogy site to try and marry up names which appear in my grandmothers birthday book, sometimes the names she gave family members but not necessarily their right names, if you see what I mean.
Don't bother with Wimbledon, I'm afraid, not a tennis fan.
What a fab pic OG of the oyster catcher.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Trish2 you will be going on holiday just before I get back so have a lovely time up at Nethybridge , I take it its in the Highlands.
Tiger - no wonder its difficult to audit her books if they are usually correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tiger , what adorable pups. For someone who is up on breeds which one is it???