Morning all: Happy new week.
MARGO: Welcome back!! :-))
Wendy: Thanks for keeping us up to date on Margo's Big Adventure.
dibnlib: How nice to bump into Margo et al.
Lindybird: Yes, June Gloom highly predictable; if you know of anyone planning to come to California in June, tell them not to expect beach weather, but can be pretty hot away from the coast. Re new dark countertops that don't show dirt, have been horrified to find globs of dried up sticky stuff on ours; now have to bend over and catch the light on the surface to see what needs to be scrubbed.
Diane: Only four feet from a deer? Wow. Pretty impressive, especially after looking at the pix! Maybe whistle a happy tune or put bells on your shoes next time?
Jay-Me: Vacation time sounds nice and relaxing!
Lynette: Thanks for clarifying which part of you is hurting! :-) Nice that all your furniture is finally set up; now enjoy it.
OK, off to fix dinner; back later.
Good Morning ALL. Grey misty morning here and everywhere wet from last nights rain. Waiting for the sunshine but I don't enjoy the forecasted hot humid weather.
Just received a letter from the DVLA to renew the photograph on my driving licence as my present photo is ten years old. I am sure I would prefer to keep the old one and that is bad enough.
OG, Like you, I think this osprey season seems to be passing faster this year. I look forward to hearing their sex and names.
AQ, Love your photo's of the Galahs
Annnette, I hope you take a camera with you to the Summer Solstice Parade.
Linda, I do hope that your son's contract offer is all that he wants and he will be happy in his work. If they do move house, I am sure you will visit just as often, or even be able to stay the night with them. Buzz looks as lovely as ever.
Morning all,
AQ : Thanks for the pics of the Gallahs.
Linda : Nice pic of a dry Buzz.
Everyone else thanks for all the chat and pics.
We had a lot of rain overnight and it is slow to dry up this morning. Feels like there is a lot of moisture in the air. No heatwave yet with temp at 16c. There is a heat health warning out for tomorrow and monday with temps set to peak at 31c.
Got to do some menial tasks today such as grass cutting and car cleaning so I had better get on with it and then watch some tennis later.
Latest updates on Pale Chicks here.
I guess these hawks will be flying at around the same time as the Loch Garten chicks.
Tiger Signature
OK, this is a very flying visit but I hope to join you at more length next week.
Oh dear a quick flick up to top of page , slump, I feel defeated already
AQ wonderful pics of love birds (galahs)
Brenda - I know how SiL feels (all in past) I am SO sorry
Beautiful pic Mary - makes my heart yean to be there
Lindy - great news re Son and what a great pic of Buzz
About to go online Tiger but,
Annette - sigh, my roses are rotting on the stem ! :( and I mind wretched rain. This bush once looked liked this ....
Begonia now flowering in the back garden:
Morning all: Never fails, late to bed, earlier than normal wake up! Ugh.
Lindybird: Buzz obviously a happy dog.
Trish2: Mia will probably feel much better after her ear is sorted; try not to worry too much.
Cirrus: Our roses don't like our June Gloom at all. Blackspot; sooty mildew, rose slugs, rust; you name it, they've got it. The City sprayed the Mission Rose garden last week (with Neem oil); mine at home are feeling very sorry for themselves too.
Hi to everyone else; take care; back later.
Alan: Begonia is spectacular; I love the really vibrantly colored ones too.
Afternoon all ... I don't know where the sunshine and the heatwave is, but it certainly isn't here!
A pic I took of my clematis yesterday
Alan - lovely pic of your begonia ... mine are looking good too.
OG - has your son's job finished so he has to sign on? You are hooked on the family research I see! I had a look at mine the other night ... and found a couple of siblings to people about six or seven generations back. Its great fun, but VERY addictive :-)
AQ - great galah pics ... i sometimes look at the webcam a\nd they are very noisy!
Diane - I'm fascinated with the ongoing story of the wasp nest!
Lynette - I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing holiday.
Linda - lovely pic of a dry and happy Buzz!
Thanks to everyone for chat, pics etc
Take care
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Weather today has been reasonable – though seems to be getting a bit dark right now. Done some ironing – just duvet cover awaiting OH’s efforts. I slept very late, so a late breakfast also postponed lunch – made minestrone soup for today and tomorrow after church.
Lynette – you posted just before me last night, so I was pleased to read you aren’t leaving on holiday until Monday. I hope the packing is going well now you have retrieved the spare bed to collect things together – can’t imagine packing without a spare bed!
AQ – enjoyed the Galah photos – especially the victor in the pic on his own.
Diane – Son had 9 weeks paid work April until last week – so now has to start “signing on” again for benefits, while looking for work.
Annette – glad you have finished in the trench – hope electrician turns up at the right time, and then you can start to enjoy your fountain! I hope you are enjoying the Summer Solstice parade today. Sorry about the sad Roses!
Mary – thanks for the latest beach and mountains photo. If we go up to Ayr for anything, we usually return down the coast to Girvan, then home via Newton Stewart – I like Girvan with its view of Ailsa Craig.
Lindy – how good that your DiL and SweetPea will spend some time with you when your Son is working away – when my OH did three months in London, first Daughter and I stayed with my parents and he spent alternate weekends visiting us and going home to check on our cottage. That is a very happy photo of your lovely Buzz.
Trish – sorry to read that one of poor Mia’s ears hasn’t cleared – I’ll be thinking of you all on Tuesday when she has it flushed.
Brenda – I was plaesed when my passport expired as I hated the photo on it – but I quite like the one on my “blue badge”, which I was allowed to keep the same one when it was renewed last year.
Cirrus – good to see you chatting again. Don’t try to catch up with all the posts, just pop in from time to time so we know you are okay!
Alan – great photo of lovely Begonia.
Joan – me too! Afternoon has turned “Mizzly”. Nice bright Clematis. Yes, Son’s temporary job was only a nine-week contract – and he’s still arguing with Highland Council about his Housing Benefit from before that job started. Several of our Great-grandparents had very large families, so I keep getting caught up cul-de-sacs – especially when the same names get repeated.
Need to wash up before we can start preparing dinner!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Lovely flower photos everyone....
Cirrus - well you will just have to make your next holiday a visit to the North of Scotland.
OG - No matter how many times you see Ailsa Craig it always looks different, sometimes the light is different, etc etc, the road from Girvan down to Ballantrae is gorgeous too. I found the website for Glenwhan Gardens, so its a definite must visit next time we are down that way.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023