Things all peaceful on the nest. It's amazing what a late night fish does to settle Osprey chicks :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Shame the large raindrop on the camera is blocking out EJ's head....
Yes, FLASHSADIE - it's so amazing isn't it . An average of 75 share fish eh! Who would have thought such wonderful G.E.M. could possibly have come out of that egg.
Is EJ you avatar ??
How's the video coming SYCLLA ?
Hi Cirrus - Yes it's an image I snapped of EJ and chicks on the 11th June....
Just great FLASHSADIE :) It's a very nice one of her too
I'm very confused *o* (I just made up that smiley, it's supposed to denote a spinning head)... Looks like I've double uploaded the same vid instead of the one I wanted to. If you've already seen "Sticks and Alarms" recorded @ 8am-ish)- well, I'm just uploading it again. I didn't keep the last fish delivery because of the big rain-blob and the quickness of it all, largely without incident.
I shall see you later, have to go now :) Thank you all!
Oh! here it is, Sticks and Alarms
Bye SCLYLLA- check your emails :)
Soggy tweens and EJ
Cirrus on the fish count, I lost count there when I saw the photos/vid thought an extra one had arrived.
It really must be hard for Odin to fish in this rain, its pretty miserable down my way too.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Just seen Star stretch her wings - she's nearly as big as her mother !!!
Star is quite chatty today: probably translates to something like 'hurry up with lunch, dad!'