Evening all:
Cirrus had a question in the last post of yesterday's thread:
How do I delete space returns anyone please??? I've tried without success (it's hard to see space returns :( )
Cirrus: I'm not quite clear on what you mean by space returns? Where are they and where are they showing up (Word? On this blog?)
She's gone again I think !!!
Thanks for the info on the Dyfi pair Lindy. I ought to have remembered that! I rather hoped that Springwatch might have more on the osprey than they have - and perhaps rather less on the foxes, sweet though they may be. I loved the raven in last night's Unsprung. It seemed to be causing absolute chaos - rather like the starlings last year!! A hoot.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
11:24am EJ stil AWOL !!!!
11:25am EJ must have know I posted that - Shes BACK now.....
EJ's returned :-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
EJ is back ... and so is the LIVE CAM
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Flashsadie it is unlikely that EJ has left the area. I suspect she is in the camera tree in this shot, taken from the hide in April last year. Odin is on the nest tree below the nest.
It's not a brilliant shot - I don't have a brilliant camera, and the weather was grey, but it will give you an idea of the lie of the land. The camera we are seeing the shots from at the moment is in the post to the lhs of the nest. The other camera (camera tree!) may be used later when the chicks have fledged to give a wider view. There was a problem with it last year, and it wasn't used.
And while I have been typing this, I see she is back on the nest!
Thanks for posting the video of the DYFI Ospreys Tiger, it was lovely to watch. I did go to the website last night when M Lake mentioned them yesterday to try and see them, but I couldnt find that video at all, was another one that was on the main page, so it was really good to see it posted here. Felt so sorry for poor Monty!!!
Great captures everyone, sorry not to mention names, but then I know I won't miss anyone out.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
EJ is fiddling with the furniture ... trying to move THAT STICK again!