So a new day begins. For Star it is day 26 and for Storm it is day 20
What are the questions for today?
How many fish will Odin bring in?
Will EJ go fishing this year?
Tiger Signature
Still here EJ, getting lighter huh :) your babes a little restless
It's getting lighter by the second EJ :) I guess we all hope your other half arrives with an early breakfast :) Was exploring the forum in the meanwhile and found an interesting view on the F1 GP (yes EJ the Formula 1 Grand Prix) I know, I know, you're far more interesting but I do have a point of view on it and wanted to comment but it's all going v e r y sloooow. In fact EJ, when I press 'reply' gawd knows how long it will take !! Be assured EJ, I'm still wit ya, no matter how long it takes goes at 03.33
Well, I NEVER!! No only did you just take a comfort break EJ but you also unlocked the go-slow system AND got the day cam on at the same time!!!
All hail the powers of EJ!!!!!
I thought the same too EJ, is it going to be a 'before 5' or a 'gawd knows when er'
Sorry, EJ, I'm getting quite tired again and so don't think I'm expressing it quite right!! Just hope everyone knows what I mean! SO, back to find the F1 GP discussion ... unless you call in the meantime EJ .........
I know what I said EJ but it's getting lighter and worthy of a pic?!
Star ( I think) can't get under EJ's wing no matter how hard it tries
Hazel looks like we snapped the same picture :)
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Star could not get under EJ's wing so tried to sleep with it's head "on top" of EJ's wing .
It must have moved as I snapped this picture
Barbara Jean!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!! I'm so tired I'm nearly crying !!!
Crying but still going !! That's the sunlight in the background, right?
Sorry, gone daft by now, nearly 24 hours up (all but 5 minutes) and still trying to post comment on F1 GP!!
Evening all: Good grief! Lots of (tired) people on here tonight - hope you've all gone to bed by now.
As everyone's noted, it's blowing at LG, but the sunrise is lovely.
All quiet on the nest.