So a new day begins. For Star it is day 25 and for Storm it is day 19
Tiger Signature
Whatever is Star playing with? At first I thought it was a piece of eggshell, but it's rolling around so quickly ???
The toy is in the bottom left corner of this pic:
Dammit! their camouflage is too good ;-D
Wow, EJ isn't satisfied, I wonder if she'll lose her voice this year so I can hear her duck-mimicking ;) - and Star picked up a big piece of fish and shook it around a bit ;-D
Late supper
Still feeding at 10.30 pm, EJ went for a fly around and came back and settled on the nest.
It is so light up North at the moment, we had daylight until 10.45 pm last night up at Bunree, so maybe Odin will manage a last minute fishing trip.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Hi Scylla
The site is so slow !! you'll probably have posted 1600 pics by the time this post
Was so glad to catch Odin deliver a fish as I booted up
Off to watch Spring watch - I recorded it whilst I was at work
Hello to everyone else too !!
Mary GK This is why it is so light. See day/night map.
Hazel b said: So a new day begins. For Star it is day 25 and for Storm it is day 19
I've not done this quote thing before so don't know if it's worked! Just in case, Tiger, your reminder to us all (well, those of us who have lost track - me for one) of the age's of Star and Storm, has made me check back on my notes (have to make notes, I'm a learning newbie). I made a note that fledging is at c.53 days (so around 11th July for Star and 17th July for Storm) which, for one, reminds me it's not that far away and to make every second of being able to watch count! So, thankyou, Tiger. As a newbie though, my question to all of you long-timers :) is: after they fledge how much may we possibly see of them from the webcam (I read they stay close to the nest and both parents provide food for a further 2 months). Staying close to the nest to me means they may not even return at night? :(( Can you put my mind at rest as to how long we might 'have' them for?
Took me a while to type and I know, meanwhile, there was another fish from Odin! (Fish 7 Cirrus ;) ) Odin the Magnificent indeed! Took snapshots but guess posting would be triplicate by now - took me that long to type and get some dinner! EJ still calling now though (2253).
TIGER you are such a wealth of information, thanks for that chart.... As I look out my window right now its still not dark - a lot of light in the sky still, and I am 100 miles south of LG. EJ is calling for fish I think, but I must turn in now I cannot hang on any longer....
Hazel Good to see you got the quote ok. Oh they do stay fairly close to the nest until they migrate. They are always present on the nest when food is expected. There are usually spectacular fish fights. I imagine there should be some good ones this year. Here are some stats from previous years.