So a new day begins. For Star it is day 25 and for Storm it is day 19
Tiger Signature
mlake: You mentioned the late-night feeding earlier. Tiger saw it - and Scylla?? - and about Odin night fishing. I assumed the late-night feed was a leftover and not a late-night delivery; don't think Odin fishes at night....
Annette, hello again. Tiger and I witnessed last night's feed. Odin brought the fish in at 23.38 and then stood about for a while doing what Alan calls the head moving thing. Then he flew off and EJ continued to feed herself and the hungry youngsters till 23.59. It appeared to be fresh rather than an old leftover. I was amazed. I wrote about it on the Odin thread.
Hi DjoanS, I haven't a clue - literally just brought up the webcam for the first time today :( so no time to catch up - just caught EJ feeding them.
Couple of more snapshots I took just after the fish had all gone ... not sure if that's Star or Storm not snuggled under:
Bless EJ's heart, Chicks are so big now but STILL she manages to protect and keep both warm:
Odin brought the fish in at about 7:45 according to Lady P.
EJ's head feather's being a tad windswept. I adore how she stretches her wings to keep her little one's snuggled under. Only just noticed the little head popping out of her right hand side!
So, now back to catch up for the day :)
Managed to catch Odin bringing in that fish Alan, he didnt stay long though.Chicks were right up there looking like they hadnt had any fish at all today LOL...
Here are the photos of when I left for holiday 2 Jun - the change in them is phenomenal!!!
Just amazing to see the difference in them.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023
Thanks for all the pictures and comments. I was gone for nearly two days and certainly appreciate all the updates ! It looks like Storm is approaching Star's size.
On the subject of Odin's late night fishing I recall he did that a couple of times last year too.
He is a great provider. In Roy Dennis's book he says the survival of the nest depends on the fishing skills of the father. In the wind and rain they had earlier he certainly proved he has the fishing skills for any weather.
In the past when the chicks were 5-6 weeks old EJ started to help out with the fishing. With only 2 chicks this year I wonder if she will do that this year? There is planty of fish to go around
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
My goodness! Just caught up for the day :) Thank you everyone! So, having gone through the day anyway, the 7.45 p.m. fish from Odin (thank you Alan and Lady P ;) ) was fish #5 (Cirrus ;) )
DJoanS: I love your capture at 1.13 p.m. " Everybody up and watching the skies ..." and Lindybird, your capture at 1541 with all the family's heads down on the nest! Everyone's snapshots make me smile!
It's great to have the sound back isn't it?! Some lovely sounds been coming through from 'the chicks' (or is that 'the teens') as I've been typing. They've been trying to come out from under EJ but ... Mum knows best!!
Mary GK WOW! I've got all snapshots I've taken in daily files but haven't viewed any shots side-by-side! Thank you! The difference in the size of the little ones (or not so!) side-by-side is quite amazing!!!
FISH via Odin - lots of noise!
FISH 6 :)))
EDIT - the site is annoyingly slow to load pages today!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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