Another new week. I wonder what surprises it will bring?
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Alan, I am assured that two camel humps are best because you don't fall off so easily.
Brenda : Thanks for that but does a 2 humped camel cost more? I can see there is more to this drought business than I first thought.
I have been sorting through some old slides and on our visit to LG in 1976 one of us took this photograph. It is a variation to 'One Man and His Dog'.
Alan, OH says that they are a little more expensive but they do more miles to the gallon (water).
Brenda love the sheep picture. It makes me laugh and think of a friend who said she went for a walk the other day and her cat just followed along too.
New osprey webcam in US:
Hmmm, so unused to rain... I'm sure it's doing the ground good, but why didn't it do it overnight?
We read the papers outside yesterday, and I have just found the Independent in a soggy heap in sheets rather than a paper on the other side of the patio! I have now found another use for the Aga - drying off newspapers which I haven't read!!
Brenda H your slide has scanned very well for its age. And a lovely bit of LG's history too.
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018
Thanks for the new web cam Alan. It is so clear, despite the scanning.
Hello everyone. Just to reassure everyone that Margo is just fine and is having her first night shift tonight. Heather and I met her this morning at her chalet and then we all went to LG. No sign of Odin but some lovely shots of EJ standing on the edge of the nest. Odin had brought in a fish before he arrived so expect he was dispatched off again for brunch!!! We had a lovely lunch at Revack near Nethybridge - a salad buffet and pudding and then took Margo to Grantown for a few bits and pieces she'd forgotten. I have a couple of pics of Margo and Heather at LG which I'll try to put on later. We talked non-stop and it was great to meet her :))) We left her at the chalet as she was going to try and have a snooze before her night shift. So enjoyed the whole day. Thank you ladies!
Hi will put some pics of holiday on when i get to upload them onto computer it was great to see Odin EJ and the Chicks wnen i went to LG
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