A new day in the life of the Loch Garten Ospreys begins. What new things will it bring?
Tiger Signature
hmm.. camn down
It is back on . Just a brief hicup
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Thanks for all lovely comments! Had a great day. Thanks to all staff.
One Life - Live It!!
Mine isn't !!!! :(
Fish 5
EJ needs to hurry this feed it's begun to rain quite hard.
It's raining and Storm is trying io shelter under Star
Poor Odin got his talons stuck in the fish and had a real tug o war with EJ to release it. What a champ.
Valmc thank you so much for your absolutely surpurb photos. I seem to have started something by posting the article!! Sorry, but I hadn't seen it on another thread.
Odin has just brought in yet another fish, though it is smaller than earlier, quickly devoured and EJ has settled the youngsters under her as the rain continues to fall.
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