A new day in the life of the Loch Garten Ospreys begins. What new things will it bring?
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Cirrus: Ahh but she's making up for it now!
Indeed Joan - maybe it could work like a tri - whatever it's called
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Whady'a think>
Going to eat now. back for fish 5
Eating again. I am happy to read Odin finally got off his branches to go fishing
Look how big they are compared to EJ! Wow
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Star is stuffed and now Storm is back for seconds ( or fifths LOL)
EDIT: Both chicks are full and resting. There is plenty for EJ too . She is having a good feed
Sorry but I havent posted a picture on new version of site - can someone tell me what to do please
One Life - Live It!!
Valmc said: Sorry but I havent posted a picture on new version of site - can someone tell me what to do please
EDIT - it can be a bit slow sometimes, and make sure you wait until it says 'uploaded' in green before you post! Hope this helps!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
You just beat me to it DjoanS. However, it gives me the opportunity to put a link to a report on Valmc's nest. Just hope after two weeks away I haven't forgotten how to do it!!
Birdie's DU Summaries 2018 https://www.imagicat.com/
Sheila, jsb. posted about the report on Val's nest and Val has replied on News from Other Nests. I am sure that those who mssed it, will be glad to follow your link though. Val deserves all the congratulations.
Here is one of Odin today