A new day in the life of the Loch Garten Ospreys begins. What new things will it bring?
Tiger Signature
Uh oh Another brushy branch with which to bash the chickees on the head
Unknown said: Enjoy your day Tiger :)
Enjoy your day Tiger :)
Well if one can enjoy auditing the books of a Charity!
Oh great ... Odin's been with a fish ... all's right with the world! I've been out shopping and what was the first thing I did? .... check on here, before unloading the bags :-))
Welcome from me too, FlashSadie
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Just had a quick look in and then It's back to grass cutting before the next lot of rain comes. How strong EJ's instincts are, she sees that egg again and immediately starts to nestle down on it. How sad that is!
BTW TIGER, have you seen video of Sumatran Tiger cubs? WWF. Facebook, if your interested. CIRRUS, did you get message from me re MWSnap?
Welcome, FLASHSADIE. yOU'LL be hooked now.
Has Margobird arrived yet do you think? Hope she has a good week.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
See there's been fish- thank goodness! Now, like Joan, I can go and unload my shopping bags....
Hazel b said: Enjoy your day Tiger :)
Oh dear !! What can one say (rhetorical question) Just keep the cam in view Tiger - hope you have a laptop you can take with you or bring them thar books to your home.
Gotta go wash my hair and do my birdie count !!
EJ is doing her Saturday housework - watched by a curious pair of chicks..
Waz over there
My name is Storm - look what big feet I've got