Evening/morning all: Evening here; just pouring a little glass of wine......
Just heard the first clump clump clump of a fresh dose of rain on the webcam :-(
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
EJ contemplating future fish orders: "Hmm. Should I ask Odin to bring a trout for lunch, or should I opt for a pike?"
... or was that "hmmmmm scampi and chips"
Sorry Heron, by now I do wish my brain would "give over"
Hazel. You must have a similar type of brain to me. Just as I'm starting to wind down for the night, the brain decides to step up a gear.
I reckon EJ wouldn't complain about a fish-supper and a bottle of Irn Bru.
lol heron ... with the bagpipes being played in the background ... and those 'tosers' tosing the cabers ............
I am so pleased to report that EJ is having a very peaceful night... so far ;) I haven't captured any video yet and am flagging somewhat, so here's one from last night - just a snatch of EJ returning from a bio-break and settling down, fairly fuss free.
Hazel. Even as a Scot, I often ask myself: Why do they call it: "tossing the caber?" I mean the action is more of a flip, or counterbalance than a toss. Mind you "Counterbalancing the caber" doesn't have the same ring to it. LOL
Hi guys. Just sorted out dinner stuff, swept the back walkway while OH put out the trash for tomorrow. Just spotted telltale heaps of earth in rear garden - Grrrrr - mole or gopher? WIll have to investigate tomorrow.... EJ has her head tucked under her
Good grief: Now Scylla has joined us. What's going on over there? Group insomnia?