Evening/morning all: Evening here; just pouring a little glass of wine......
Lovely pics again today, Everybody
Settling down again, but probably still hungry!
I wish I understood their conversations.
Joan, I wish I had seen Star walking bakwards with EJ.
Unknown said:
Brenda - I should have said 'tried to walk backwards' like mum ... more of a wobble ... but the intent was there! The moment EJ started calling #1 was up and alert :-)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
DjoanS great capture of 2 completely stuffed chicks, they can hardly move.
Lindybird you are so right it is a joy to watch and look how big they are both getting.
16 days ago !! Taken on May 24th
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Scylla: The video quality looked pretty good - though I'm hardly the expert! I could make out who was who!.
Barbara thanks for the reminder but just look at them now. Even saw a bit of wing exercising from Star this afternoon.
Anyone away from viewing the nest for a few days is shocked to see their size. They are nearly 1/2 the size of EJ in just 16 days. Star has very visible tail feathers and is able to stand on it's legs for brief periods of time. Both are getting juvenile feathers
looks as if I just missed another fish delivery. Odin posing in front of the camera again.
And flew off, leaving us with excellent view of two fine fat mini ospreys, being stuffed yet again. Thanks Odin!