Daily Update ( LG) Monday 6th June 2011

It is raining  on the nest and Odin is 10 minutes late with breakfast :) 

Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Thanks everyone for all the  pictures and  comments!! Really appreciate them!  

    I am going to make a prediction that Star fledges much earlier than the center expects.

    I think they better get on Roy's ringing schedule early.

    Star is very adventurous, "independent"  and extremely  curios about what is " beyond" the nest.

    Also it mimics everything EJ does. EJ preens, Star preens; EJ moves twigs, Star moves twigs, and this morning EJ was walking around cleaning up scraps after the feed and I saw Star pick up a scrap and eat it. It won't take long for it to see that   EJ flaps her wings and  can go out from  the nest .

    I think EJ knows this and that is why she is constantly bringing in more branches . Look how EJ has built up the far side of the nest edge.

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  •  The chicks are asleep and poor EJ is having trouble staying awake.

  • I was in the kitchen. Is that another fish ?

  • Feeding time from the leftovers!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Unknown said:

    I was in the kitchen. Is that another fish ?

    No Brenda ... its the leftovers!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • I can't believe she woke them up so soon. Thanks Joan

  • Neither of them look hungry .... can't be bothered to stand! Maybe it was EJ who was hungry :-))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Unknown said:

    I am going to make a prediction that Star fledges much earlier than the center expects.

    I think they better get on Roy's ringing schedule early.

    Following on from Barbara Jean's comment, I'm going to make another prediction....... that it won't be feasible to satellite tag Storm.

    After the cancellation of the ringing and tagging last year, Richard explained the window for tagging is a lot smaller than for ringing only, as the size of the chick is critical. To avoid the risk of having to cancel the event for a second year running, they are going to have to go ahead as soon as they judge that Star is ready. Given the discrepancy in age and size between these chicks, I think Storm will have to be ringed only, like Garten was.     


  • I think she is trying to make this two grow faster so that she can get back to better weather:-)

  • Unknown said:

    I am going to make a prediction that Star fledges much earlier than the center expects.

    I think they better get on Roy's ringing schedule early.

    Following on from Barbara Jean's comment, I'm going to make another prediction....... that it won't be feasible to satellite tag Storm.

    After the cancellation of the ringing and tagging last year, Richard explained the window for tagging is a lot smaller than for ringing only, as the size of the chick is critical. To avoid the risk of having to cancel the event for a second year running, they are going to have to go ahead as soon as they judge that Star is ready. Given the discrepancy in age and size between these chicks, I think Storm will have to be ringed only, like Garten was.     


    [/quote]Thats an interesting theory, Sue - you could be right, there will certainly be problems when they are older, as they still won't be at the same stage of development at the same time.