It is raining on the nest and Odin is 10 minutes late with breakfast :)
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Odin is paying a fishless visit to his family, just checking (similar to pic above, Storm is tucked under EJ's breast):
Just came in from the garden to find Odin complaining on the nest! Did they eat all his fish ... or did EJ hide it? :-)
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Hello all. What wonderful pics everyone is posting. Thanks guys!! Has someone taken a bicycle pump to those chicks? They look twice as big as they did yesterday. At this rate they'll be too fat to take off.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
Chick #1 is starting to develop some beautiful colouring on its feathers ... just like mum and dad!
Lovely to see all the patched of feathers appearing on Star. Unfortunately s/he looks like a plucked turkey at the moment but s/he is going to look great very soon.
Lovely family scene.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Morning all: Quick read before we take car in for brake job.
Cirrus et al: I think it was just two fish delivered before I signed off. If you look at the posting times between me and Barbara, we were just a minute apart on the second one (which I reported on the second page). I think that's right.
Going to gym after dropping off car; will make like a chick and wave my arms and wobble about; hope I don't topple nose first into the carpeting. Take care all.
EJ was on the edge of the nest the two bairns flat out. She has now flown off for a comfort break.
home aloneCould EJ have gone fishing!!!!! probably on one of her favourite perches.
Mum, where've you gone!! Ooh must have a stretch and be adventurous. Getting a bit close to the edge and Star starts to follow suite.
Come back EJ your bairns are being a little adventurous.