Weekly Chat, Sunday June 5, 2011

Morning all: Late checking tonight. Back later...

  • Dibnlib- after your Ullapool fish and chips, my imagination went into overdrive with your ton of chips!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello everyone and again, thanks for all your contributions especially SheilaFE's wonderfully descriptive tale about LG - my, is Margo going to enjoy herself! I am looking forward to meeting Margo et al - must remember to take cake. May not bake cake, (can do, but a bit lazy these days) Dibnlib - know what you mean about traffic/Rockness - OH and I were going to do a scenic route back from Simpsons until we saw the traffic on the distributor road. My word. Inverness was full of welly wearing people, guess where they were going???!! I have never been to such an event, the mind boggles. What gets me is the amount of STUFF that gets left behind - tents by the hundred etc.

  • Unknown said:

    Joan - Absolutely stunning!!!

    [/quote]Thanks OG - it was an amazing experience watching them feeding, and to get photographs too ... and all this just 15 miles from home!!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Hi I do hope Margo has put warm and weatherproof stuff in as the forcast is not brilliant. Woodburner on to take the chill off.

    Heather B as you say they like cake at LG so to help Margo out I went to Walkers in Aberlour and sorted out shortbread and fruit cake. Used to bake in a previous life but.....been there seen it and done it!!

  • Sheila - sorry, I just realised I didn't comment on your wonderful holiday account.  But, oh my, it made me tired to read it - you fitted in so much - and then I read that this was only part one and you have still to cover West coast!  You must have a lot of energy to do all this in a two week holiday!  Kinross sounds scary - pleased you didn't come to harm!  LG sounds wonderful as usual - pleased they showed you the updated facility.  By the way, am I right to think you have to go down to the entrance hut for loos when you are on duty?  Even at night, where the wild things are?  Didn't want to ask that question before Margo set off!!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG Yes they do but you sometimes get to meet badgers!! Not too dark at present so should be a bit easier for Margo.

    SheilaFE: thanks for PM will reply when I have tomorrow sorted. So pleasd you enjoyed the wibbly wobbly road:-))

  • Unknown said:

    Evening all: Out early to pick up grandson from bus, then to dentist, then to gym, then to Santa Maria (where grandson is living with friends until he moves in with girlfriend), where there just happened to be a Target and a TJMaxx. Spent ages puttering up and down the aisles, reading labels, inspecting new products, stocking up on hand cream, detergent, etc. Also bought T-shirt for me., tiny little sunhat for Ms. Delilah, and a Kit Kat (also for me - needed a sugar boost). Then whizzed home to toss dinner on table and out the door to the Rose Society meeting.

    Question: On the Forums page I see little red "sunbursts" on the yellow stars by the "Latest post by...." lines. Anyone know what they are?

    dibnlib: Outing sounded nice until you ran into ungracious waitstaff at fish and chips place. Good for you talking to manager; too bad the other couple didn't say anything.

    Lynette: Deputy Manager sounds like she needs a course in management!  Apparently he/she has never heard of "constructive" criticism. Seriously! Or,  as Cirrus generously suggests, perhaps is having personal problems....

    Bettyboo: Your OH's job sounds lovely (I'm sure it's hard work though).

    Alan:  Sorry you missed the Black Hairstreak again!

    Diane: Thanks for Rothes update. Do hope the apples show up! Ah! See we almost crossed posts.

    Cirrus: Hmmm - doesn't sound like Brenda's son is paying much attention; that would worry me - is DiL worried that Mom in Law is spending too much of their money? Not a very charitable thought I must admit. And what a shame about your lunch - is her health affecting her memory do you think? (Credit card "swipe" comment  v. funny!)

    Lindybird: Not a big orchid person myself - I like leaves on my flowers! Still, sounds like yours was a great buy. Love that avatar - too bad we can't really see them!  :-(    I also loved the politicians "bolthole" comment. A good place for them if you ask me.

    Quietwoman: Maybe we should start a class on "how to be nice" for all these difficult people (Deputy Managers, nurses, etc....)!  

    OG: Do hope you feel better soon!

    OK guys. I'm off to bed; must stay home tomorrow and do laundry, grocery list, all that fun stuff. Thanks all for posts and take care.

    You never know, Annette. Anyhow she is looking for a new position perhaps as a teachers' assistant.

  • Finally caught up with everyones news.  Not been on today as CH was finished off and is up and running (well CH not on of course now but for hot water on tap)   Then had to sort all the airingcupboard out and put everything back until the shelves are put up.   Monday sees my friendly builder coming in to put up the flat packed furniture and make up shelves in various parts of the house.   We will get straight.

    Alan and OG just love the pic of the goldfinch, blue tit, starling moulting (I think) and was it a pied wagtail?

    Also to DJoanS for being able to spot the spoonbills - fab pictures of them in the wetland.

  • dibnlib said:

    TRISH I am ex RAF (an assistant air traffic controller) and I served at RAF Wildenrath in Germany in 1975-77 when we had Harriers at the base. I agree they were wonderful aircraft and a very sad loss.  I married an RAF officer (air traffic controller) and he was based at Lossie in 1983/4. It was a very exciting base to work at. In those days Lossie had Shackletons and Buccaneers - famous for their low flying skills. The squadron had a t shirt made up to have a go at the Americans "real men fly THROUGH Beirut, not over it" and crew on board ships were known to duck when the Buccs flew over. Lossie was also the Jaguar operational conversion unit, so as you can imagine the tower was great fun to work in. I would hate to see it close. On the other hand if it is not Lossie, it will be Leuchars, another great RAF base. It was my first tour and we had both Phantoms and Lightnings (amazing aircraft) OH had a tour there in 1985/6/7 when Phantoms and Tornados were based there. Leuchars is now home to the Typhoon which is a wonderful aircraft to watch, and hear. I first saw it display at the Battle of Britain Air Day last year, quite superb. It would be ideal if both these bases could stay open but I fear it is not to be.       Sorry if I have bored those not interested in military aircraft.    

    Not in the slightest. This is my favourite post of yours. I an a big aeronautics and astronautics fan as you may know. It had never occured to me that you would know about Harriers, Phantoms and Tornadoes etc.

    Surely this was one of the most memorable phases ever. I counted them all out....

    I saw the last three Concordes land at Heathrow on Thursday  23rd October 2003.  It was a magic experience.


  • Diane it sounded fascinating to watch and to see the babies emerging.  I believe they build beautiful paper thin cone shaped nests, am I right?