Weekly Chat, Sunday June 5, 2011

Morning all: Late checking tonight. Back later...

  • I don't know if UK and other folks who might use Google today will get the same Google home page - they've spelled out Google in the shape of a guitar that you can strum!  It's a tribute to Les Paul.  Very clever!

  • Hello Again Everyone.   Its cloudy/bright here, so I just paid the Milkman and he made a wry smile as I said "keep dry".

    I see that poor Diane is sweltering in the heat, and wondering when it will end.  Those poor little bunnies!  Seriously though, it must affect the wildlife terribly when it is so hot.  Diane, I have been thinking about the construction site on Mars, and have decided that it is being built secretly by all our politicians as a bolt hole for them when we all get fed up with their policies and banish them forever!  They probably have a shuttle somewhere in the jungle, ready to take off when we all get revolting. (& it doesn't take much to make me revolting....)

    Tiger:  Those Mountain Dogs are big softies.  Hope that the puppy is going to be photographed and put on here.

    Cirrus:  So sorry to hear that your friend is going through such trouble - you are such a good friend to her, I'm sure she is glad of your support.  And hope that the Dentist thing was sorted out for you - did you just lose a filling or was it more dramatic?

    Lynette:  Sorry to hear that your daughter is having problems at work - these things can be difficult to sort out.

    I, too, am wondering how AQ is getting on, on her holiday, and how many pics she will have taken by now?  Good job we don't need rolls of film any more or she would have run out long ago.

    Saw Springwatch last night and frustratingly they only showed the Dyfi Ospreys for a split second, the 3 chicks being fed and reported to be doing well, thank goodness. Some hilarious sequences showing the huge variety of the prey being fed to the Buzzard chick and gobbled down, whole - who is growing at an alarming rate - and we thought Ospreys grew fast.

    Off to look at the Google Page as suggested by Annette, above.

    Have a Good Day everyone.

  • day 3 since dillon last took metacalm and he is walking well, so fingers crossed.    Weather is ok so the 3 of us are off to Ullapool. OH and I will have the fish and chips and as usual I will leave some "chippy whips" for Dillon.    bye for now

  • Good Morning ALL, Raining at the moment after a sunny start.

    Annette, OH and I have had a play on the Google guitar.

    Lynette, If this person was only a colleague, I don't understand how she had the authority to destroy your daughter's files. Surely your daughter has room to complain to somebody higher up.

    Cirrus, I hope there is better news for you this morning when you visit your friend.

    dibnlib, Enjoy Ullapool and the fish and chips.

    Linda, Brilliant solution to the Mars construction site.

  • - Cirrus - I am so glad that your friend has got you in her life.

  • Hi folks, thanks for concern about dau.  

    Unfortunately it was the Deputy Manager who has picked her work to pieces.  As one will know, the government introduced new guide lines  that at nurseries, those who take children in, etc have to provide very detailed written progress about each child. They have increased the work at least fourfold.  My dau thought she was on the right track and most of the parents who look at the folder work are impressed with what goes into them.  However, according to the DM its not quite what should be done that is why she pulled it to bits.   My gripe about it is that she should have left them as they were for now, which were adequate, and asked her to make sure they are fine from last month.  She has been in the job for over 10 years now and in this post for about 4 years so has a pretty good idea of whats needed. I'm going on, aren't I.   She has spoken to one or two people at her Homegroup and they have been very supportive.  Dau wants to get out of where she is and try and get a placement with special needs but its finding what openings there are and the time to spend writing to organisations etc.  I'm sure she will come through eventually, feels a bit better today.  Thanks for listening to my gripes. Will stop now.

    WendyB - do have a lovely day with Rosiemac on Friday.

    Thanks for all of your news. Back later, must go and get some lunch.

  • Good afternoon all and trouble with Billie walking over my keyboard and wanting to play so my post has been delayed somewhat.  Bright and sunny here at the moment and we didn't get any rain yesterday although it certainly looked like it at times. 


    Rosiemac I am hoping that there will not be any storms at LG while I am there.  I am absolutely terrified of them and have been all my life.  Have to go and hide in a place that has no windows.  Such a baby but I really do hate them.


    Alan thanks for the update on the Nottingham peregrines and the names are very good.


    Dibnlib so nice to see you amongst us again but I hope that the delay will not cause you further problems.  Poor Dillin, hope medication does help and there will not be the need for xrays.  Hope the weather held out for you and you managed to go out for the day.


    DjoanS sounds like your trip out was very enjoyable.  Yes I am looking foward to meeting up with friends of this forum.  Will be so nice to actaully see them.


    Lindybird as you can see from WendyB's post biscuits and cakes will be order of the week.  Food I have selected to have while I am at LG will be quick to prepare, several cans of soup, cheese on toast and some cooked chicken so I will not starve.  can't spend too much time eating when there are ospreys to watch.  See you had some of the very strange weather yesterday and also got very wet when you got caught in it.


    Tiger  thanks for the dog link, very handsome dogs, look forward to hearing about puppy when it arrives and maybe some pics.


    Lynette  good to read CH problem quickly solved and you will be done and dusted very shortly.  Sorry to read about your poor daughter.  As you say it is completely out of order for that person to destroy work that your daughter has done.  Most unpleasant person by the sound of things.


    WendyB  biccies sound good  and cake which I know will be welcomed by staff at LG.  Hope OH returns home safely tomorrow and from you say he will be glad to get back.  Have a lovely lunch with rosiemac and nice to have an update on your baby woodpeckers.


    HeatherB you are so good helping your elderly neighbour out.  So glad that you are set on coming to LG next week.  Going to be so good to meet you.


    Annette I know I am going to love it at LG, can't wait to get there now. 


    trish 2 two sleeps away now and going to finalise my packing this afternoon.  Had a smile about Mia and your OH.


    Have a good day all and hope the weather is treating some of you a bit kinder today but having said that it has been wet off and on at LG.


  • Hurrah! We have a sunny day at last after all the stormy weather yesterday.

    Wendy and I have just been over to Fortrose and had a look round a gorgeous Deli. We did buy a few thigs. Then we went to Chanonry Point to see if any dolphins were about but alas none to be seen. We had a nice sandwich lunch.

    Margo - have had a look at the long range forecast for next week and it looks quite promising so hopefully no storms.

    Heather - Margo will know her shifts on Sat, so will get in touch after that re going to LG.

  • rosiemac  so nice you have had a sunny day at last for your meet with Wendy.  Pleased to see that the long range forecast looks promising.  Fingers crossed they hae it right.
