Weekly Chat, Sunday June 5, 2011

  • Hello all - I would love to make lots of personal replies but time does not allow, sadly. I have tried to overcome my addiction to this site but once the ospreys return - no chance!  I look at the nest and DU as often as I can.  Anyway, my 93 year old neighbour is a bit immobile at present after an accident so between visiting her 3xdaily, doing her shopping and looking after OH and our own home I am spread a bit thin as they say. I am set on seeing Margo next week and really looking forward to my first visit to LG. OH has been several times before but me, never. As some of you will know I am a wildlife virgin :-))) But everyone has to start somewhere.

    Best wishes to all and thank you for all your posts etc.

  • Quick hallo now; back later, but wanted to say

    MARGOBIRD: Have a WONDERFUL time at LG!!!  Lucky you!! Hurray!

  • Oh forgot!  

    jsb: Checked out high-count thread sheets at Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday. Prices not too bad but - guess what - most of the good stuff was Made in India!

  • Dibnlib welcome back.  Sorry things have been delayed for you.  My thoughts truly are with you.

    Lindy what a cheery flower.

    Cirrus hope the dentist went ok.  OH had to go this morning too.  He went out so Mia wasn't expecting him back until tonight but he popped back after to collect his packed lunch.  He managed to get inside the house without her hearing as I was in the kitchen and the door was open.  Once she heard his voice she came hurtling through and he squatted down to greet her as usual.  Normally she would have been revolting and licked his face but she just took one sniff and turned her nose up at the dentist smell.  It was hilarious.

    Diane poor little bunnies.

    Wendy thanks for the tip on the Walkers 2nds I'll remember that when I am up there.  I am sure we've passed it when we've been going to Lossie or Kinloss to watch the jets take off and land.  Am I on the right track for where it is?

    Margo THREE sleeps only!

  • Oh yes Trish on the right track as you come into Aberlour..turn left into the factory area and they have a shop.

    The most miserable girls working there so don't expect quick wit......they are only on the tourist trail so in the summer part of our network of travel experiences..not!!!

  • TIGER love all the really big dogs, trouble is that their lifespan tends to be really short, usually only about 8 years.  There is a Leonberger I see walking in our woods and like all the large breeds has a wonderful temperament. He goes by the wonderful name of "Dudley" which I think really suits him.

  • dibnlib Sorry Dillon is having trouble with his arthritis.  Metacam is great but I'd rather not have to give it to the dogs long-term.  Tweed had to have it for a few days after injuring himself in training last week but seems OK now.  Hope Dillon will be the same.  Hope the postponement of your therapy is a good sign.  Glad you'll be able to meet up with Margo et al - just sorry I won't be in Nethy Bridge to join you all.  Do get pictures to post on here.

  • Funny sort of day.  Haven’t wasted it, both done quite a few things indoors.  Evening turned very bright after mixed sun and rain earlier – nothing dramatic like hail or thunder!  (edit - just before I post - half an hour ago atmosphere turned really thundery and all local dogs started barking, but nothing happened yet!)  Made some cards which need posting before or during holiday.  OH cleaned study before oven man came – wrong part sent as usual, but since it is a mechanical problem in the door, we can use it until correct part comes from Germany (without E Coli I hope!)  Everything else just routine stuff.

    Diane – poor hot cross Bunnies!  Why don’t they stay in among the trees – it must be cooler there?  I don’t think Mrs Wasp is threatening you – I think she is saying “Thank you” for a safe home – after all, Wasps are more likely to be evicted than welcomed!  I hope you aren’t working too hard today in that heat – take care.

    Lindy – sorry about the Poppies – between wind and rain, plants are really having a rough time of it this year.  Thanks for the cheery Tulip photo.

    Cirrus – sorry you had to rush over and make an emergency visit to your friend Brenda yesterday – and that you are feeling so unhappy about her situation. You are so good to her, and taking her shopping was really kind.  I looks as if she is being left in a very bad situation by her carers.  I hope that you can find out more on Thursday, and that it won’t be too much of a drain on you – and don’t let it keep you awake at night!  Sorry about dentist visit – hope it wasn’t too painful.

    Brenda – I was pleased with myself for managing to go out last evening, and am just taking things very slowly, and hoping I am not tempted to fit in too much each day in the Lakes.  I am lucky to know that once I get my injection the following week, I shall feel much less pain and weariness.

    Patricia – one of the cards I made today was congratulations for Grandson – we are very proud of him.

    Alan – great photos again of your young Blackbird.  They look so smart at this age – makes you realise how tatty the adult males are right now.  There is one perching in the Willow outside the study window right now, and he looks quite ashamed of himself!

    Trish – sorry about “your” field.  Have you checked local footpath maps for any right of way there?  Too late to help this year’s nesting birds, but may help in the future if paths with verges could be established.

    Margo – we also fill bird feeders overnight to fuel the Dawn Chorus.  I hope all will be well for Rhys’s Mum and your Nephew.

    Dibnlib – sorry your treatment was postponed, just when you were all geared up to begin it.  August is a long time to have to wait – take care.  Have a good visit to Ullapool.  Sorry poor Dillon is still in pain.

    Joan – sounds like a nice day out – but sorry you then got wet near home!

    Tiger – on one of his placements, Son stayed with a family which included a Bernese Mountain Dog and a small King Charles Spaniel – it was the big Bernese who used to want to sit on his lap!

    Lynette – pleased about your CH progress.  Sorry about your Daughter’s work problem – doesn’t sound fair, is there nobody she can go to about this?  No pub lunch?  Sounds like a takeaway instead!

    Wendy and Rosiemac – have a good get-together tomorrow.

    Heather – so kind of you, doing so much for your neighbour.  Enjoy your first LG visit next week!

    Terribly long post again – sorry.  Must learn to do “little and often” – don’t like leaving people out – so any I missed, thanks for posts.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Just in case people didn’t see the end of last week’s thread, I put some holiday pics on and I am also in the middle of putting some more onto my gallery for those interested (but it takes so long I haven’t finished).

     We got our bicycles out tonight for a quick whizz round.  It’s been about six weeks since we last used them, they stayed in the car taking up space for the two weeks we were away, then last Wed (my free evening) I was on osprey duty, so we are feeling very unfit.

     Alan, lucky you, seeing (and managing to photograph) the kingfisher! Those Egyptian goslings are very pretty.

    OG, sorry you are not feeling well, hope you pick up in time for your hol.

    Joan, thank you for the lovely avocet pics, please keep showing us, I’ve never seen one. Sounds like you had a lovely day today.

    Margo, only three more sleeps now (or two if you don’t read this until Thurs)!  Good job you don’t have to walk all that way now.

    dibnlib, nice to see you again! We were told about the best chish and fips at Ullapool, but were too early when we arrived off the ferry from Stornoway so had to forego the pleasure.

    Tiger, thanks for the Pale Male vid, great to see them stuffing those great lumps down, fur, feathers and all.

    Wendy, I wish I’d known, when we drove past the Walker’s factory last year, that they did “seconds” – yum!

     Hello and goodnight to everyone else, and I wish I was joining all you who are meeting up with Margo next week!

    Terry in Cumbria

  • Evening all:

    Diane: See the temps back East are in the 100 degree range; now doubt the humidity isn't far behind....  The Arizona fire is on the eastern edge of the state at the New Mexico border, so they're okay (of course, it's only the beginning of summer).  I too have been wondering how AQ is doing with all the produce problems they're having over there.

    Cirrus: How's your friend doing?  I wonder what happened that the carers have stopped being so caring; wonder what the deal with the DiL is; I mean, no treats? It's worrying that she's lost weight.  Geez. Is there anyone in the family you could approach? What about her doc?  Can Brenda advocate for herself?  Good luck at lunch tomorrow. She clearly relies on you.

    Joan: Avocets are really striking.

    Alan: Those goslings have long legs!  Assume the blackbird will actually turn black as it gets older; very bright eyes.

    Lindybird: Do hope the weather improves enough for you to sit out and enjoy those flowers.  Great poem and gorgeous bright photo of flower.

    Trish2: My sister lives in an area where farmers "have to" provide access across their fields. Am I missing something? I see Cirrus mentions "common" land....

    Chloe: Welcome back; we hear that you and Tiger had a great time in Wales.

    Bettyboo: Good to see you. Hope tomorrow is better.

    I missed Rosiemac's post? (Hi Rosiemac).  

    dibnlib: Welcome back (I think). Hope you aren't too frustrated by the delay. Do take care.  I see the term "step through" bike - aren't they just like women's bikes? Hope Dillon improves.

    Djoan: What a nice surprise day out for you. We'll look forward to stunning pix!  :-)

    Margo: Biscuits definitely a good idea.

    Tiger: Assume your friend still has original puppy?  Do like the look of the Bernese Mountain Dog....

    Lynette: Glad CH is coming along without too much trauma. Oh that's so discouraging for your daughter - a colleague? Not a supervisor?  Hmmmm. How long has she had the job? Maybe the colleague is just a plain vanilla jerk (the world of work is full of them!); do hope she can stand up for herself.....

    Heather: Don't worry about individual responses; it's REALLY hard to keep up sometimes;  you only need to miss one day to get waaaay behind. Don't spread yourself too thin!

    OG: Be sure to wipe that new part from Germany off - just kidding! Had to laugh at "hot cross bunnies!" Are you feeling better?

    Terry: I can't find those holiday pix, but will check your gallery.  

    OK. Another long post; good job this isn't Twitter.  Do hope I haven't missed too many folks!

    Off to check nest; have a good THursday all - especially Margo! :-)