Weekly Chat, Sunday June 5, 2011

  • Quick bit of scanning over last few days news. Loved Lindys poem and all the pics, esp the Avocets - not a bird we get in this neck of the woods unfortunately. sorry to hear you have not been well OG and hope you are improving now.

    Tomorrows weather forecast is for better weather and if that proves to be correct we will head for Ullapool and we are told the best fish and chips ever. If not it will be Cafe 1 for lunch I think.

    Have ordered a step through bike with no obligation. I have stiff knees and find most bikes difficult to get on - never mind ride- and as I haven't ridden a bike for many years I have lost my confidence.

    Dillon still having probs with arthritis so has had metacalm for the last week and is still restricted to short lead walks for the mo. the last 2 days he has seemed fine but if limp returns they will Xray him and I really don,t want that.

  • so very glad that Margobird has her transport sorted out. What a relief.

  • Well dibnlib I most  sincerely hope the step through bike solves a problem and precious pooch Dillon doesn't limp again

  • Sorry about the thunderstorms, hailstones and heavy rain follks. We are still dry here but windy. Murray's match at Queens was stopped because of heavy rain.

    Dibnlib, Didn't expect to 'see' you. I am sure you had yourself prepared for your therapy to start. Only you will know if you think this was the right decision.

    Tennis just started again.

  • Alan, Such appropriate names for the latest two chicks. I like them.

  • See that dibnlib is still with us - nice to see you, hope you have been able to keep up with the goings on.  I have my bicycle up for sale at the moment - I bought one three years ago hoping to take it up again, but found that I had no confidence on the roads, the traffic is so much heavier than when I cycled years ago.  Also, there is more of me to drag around, and less muscle!  So I shall stick to Shanks' Pony as they say.

    Lynette:  Hope the Central Heating is coming along OK.

    OG:  Well Done, that grandson of yours - must get his brains from you!

    Alan: Lovely pics of the baby Blackbird - I do love Blackbirds.  Saw the Dyfi Ospreys on Springwatch last night - great pics of the little one coming out of the egg!

    Trish:  How frustrating that you don't know what is going on with your dog walking field.  You may be right about the change of use, and the payments from the Gvrn'ment.

    Tiger:  Enjoyed the clip of the Pale Male chicks - they are huge already.

    bettyboo:  Nice to see you here again.

    margo - you should definitely pack lots and lots of biscuits! - I would!

  • In the past I have posted some pictures of a puppy that belonged to a great friend of mine. Well I met him last night and he informed me that he has bought a new puppy. You see the dog they have always wanted is a Bernese Mountain Dog. It is still with its mum but is due for delivery in about a month. It should be interesting.

  • Well, it turned out that CH problem was soon solved, almost finished, another 2 days work I think.  Left us without any hot water though till tomorrow. Framework for boiler is up but not the boiler, hopefully that will be done tomorrow.   NO pub lunch out - sighhhhh.

    Alan - what wonderful pics of the baby blackbird.

    Lindybird - love the flower pic - it should pick anyone up, such a bright colour.

    Dibnib - nice to see you back with us, but do hope this has not set you back and that it is a good omen.  Sincerely - hope you are feeling OK.

    Still manage a cycle or two around the village - that is to pay the papers and carry on down to the shops if needed, its only about a 1/4 mile round trip so not too energetic.

    Having problems with dau and work. Its the written work that is involved that is getting to her.

    She has got behind with her folder work and one of her colleagues has  "ripped" her folders to bits by saying she has to start over again because its not quite right. I think its totally out of order and she should be allowed to correct herself from last month not a years folder work in some cases.  

  • Trying again, it kept going funny on me.

    She is feeling really down and has said she is staying on at work on Thursday night to try and catch up with some of the work. Anyway she has the weekend off so no work and hopefully she can relax of sorts.

    Must go and finish dinner off.

  • Lindybird...Margo has given me her shopping list and don't worry she has biscuits on the list. I popped into Walkers (shortbread factory) and picked up a selection of their seconds...as when you go to LG you have to take cake. They are not seconds at all long life and never broken, cake slabs are amazing value and it is bought by all the locals so MUST be good value.

    Aberdeen airport to drop of OH and back there to pick him up Friday. Meeting Rosiemac for lunch tomorrow and she is taking me to somewhere new so looking forward to that.

    Woodpecker babies doing well and still have fluffy tummies.