Weekly Chat, Sunday June 5, 2011

Morning all: Late checking tonight. Back later...

  • margobird said:

    Tiger  thanks for the link to the feed at Pale Male and Lima's nest.  So very cute and so wonderful after all the years without offspring when he was wit Lola.

    Yes really good aren't they?

    Remember I reported on four bald eagle chicks in a nest. Well here is the update.

    Seems like they all made it.

  • Lovely photographs Alan. Looks as if it is posing for you in the first pic.

  • Trish  just a silly question, The land - it was never ''common'' land then?  Such a shame. I hope you get to the bottom of this story.

    Tiger  re the four bald eagle chicks. I counldn't count them :(  so just accept that there are 4 . Trust food is plentiful .

  • Good morning all, very windy today with heavy showers forecat this afternoon.  We had rain overnight as well and what with the wind and rain my lovely roses have been battered into submission.  Mustn't moan too much though as rain is much needed in this part of the world.  Quick trip into twon this morning to get yet more bird feed.  The starlings are eating me out of house and home.  Amazing how they know within seconds when I have been out and filled the feeding trays up.  By mid-day the trays are empty again but I have started to put food out only twice a day now but always put some out last thing at night so they have something to start the day off.


    OG thanks for asking about Rhys' Mum.  She is OK at the moment but having regular check ups as this problem may occur again.  Hope it doesn't otherwise they will not be able to have any more children.    Well done to your grandson, he must be pleased.


    Lindybird OH really liked your poem.  Said you had managed to sum him up very well and give him a laugh after the rotten end to his night out.  What  a shame the rain and wind has spoilt your poppies.  They really do provide a wonderful display of colour.


    WendyB not only are you going to see that Take That but the Pet Shop Boys as well.  They are big favourites for OH and me and we have seen them several times, the last time was in Bournemouth and they a simply fantastic show.  To get them both on the same bill is really something.


    Alan  lovely pics of your resident blackbird and also the goslings outgrowing their nest.  Lovely time of the year for all the new life around us.


    Lynette hope problems will be resolved re your CH system but of course you must have a pub lunch when you are without hot water, hope you enjoy it.


    Diane had a mental picture of  your poor rabbits seeking shelter from the heat, poor little things.  Seems your wildiife is always having to seek shelter from all the extremes of weather that you have.  Hope your To Do List gets sorted out. 


    Cirrus that was terrible reading about your friend.  Not very good carers if they don't even make sure she has food.  No good giving her medicine if they are ensuring that she is eating.  Haven't they noticed that she is losing weight.  Good job she has you and very kind of you to stock er up with food and some treats.


    trish 2 such a shame about the land, really makes by blood boil to read things like this.  Wonder how much wildlife has been destroyed there.  Would be tragic to lose the skylarks because the habitat is wrong.  No wonder you felt like a rant, can quite understand how you feel.


    Must go and do some lunch now and sort out a shopping list for LG as I think it will be a good idea if I eat while I am there.  Going to be food that is quick and easy supplemented with biscuits.  Feel I am allowed to have some sweet things for energy, that's my excuse anyway.


    Have a good day all.


  • Just having a catch up, or trying to, since being away. Will try and get a few pics posted in the next few days.

  • Welcome back Chloe - looking forward to  your pics

  • A flower pic to cheer up, those who need cheering up, today -


    Tulips from our garden last Spring.


  • Good to see you back ChloeB look forward to pics.


  • Cant believe this, but we are having a hailstorm at the moment!!!!

    (nice to see Chloe back again, look forward to your pics also)

  • A flower pic to cheer up, those who need cheering up, today -

    That's me Lindy, and thank you

    EDIT  right off to emergency dental appointment  ( grrrrr)