Daily Update Thursday June 2, 2011

Evening all: Off to see what's going on at the nest.



    " EJ  looks like she is saying, " OK shortstuff. Do you really think you could win in a fight with me ?" 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • I wish Star would go back into the nest a bit.  I am worried he will be blown off the nest in that strong wind.

  • Afternoon all ande thanks for all the pics and fish news.  See Storm has decided that she/he can also start a fight if needs be.   Some fantastic captures of the whole family, so precious, just love to see Odin there with them.  Maybe that nest will need to be built up a bit more now with the chicks becoming more mobile.  They seem very forward this year when you think how young they both are.  I thought the wind was going to drop/  When I logged in it was still blowing a gale but at the moment can't hear anything, other than EJ doing a bit of beak sharpening.  EJ just stood one of the chicks while she was wing flapping.  Whoops spoke to soon wind is gusting again.


  • After this little trip to the edge by Star,  EJ reinforced the barricades all around the  nest 

    Ej has spend  close to an   hour preening and stretching. I think she  desperately needed that. Her legs must ache from  sitting crouched over the chicks. They are  too big for her to  really sit down.

    I think she has definitely given up on the egg. Now I wonder if she will leave it there or  dispose of it. 

    Formerly known as Barbara Jean

  • Barbara Jean sat and watched while EJ is making tne nest more secure.  She is going to stop their little game before it starts.  The pair of them seem very bold.


  • Ej has been trying to shift that big branch,but has now given up. does anyone know which bird brought it to the nest in the first place ??

    Such wonderful viewing today, and very amusing at times especially when Star had a go at Mum. Its taken me hours to finish the ironing as I keep stopping and gazing at these amazing birds.

  • Unknown said:
    does anyone know which bird brought it to the nest in the first place ??

    Odin originally brought it. It's a forked branch, and the other half is somewhere under the camera, so the part you can see sticks up. They have both unsuccessfully tried to rearrange it several times.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Unknown said:
    rumble in the jungle

    Hi Bruce

    Great video clip. They do look like a bad-tempered pair of chicks.

    Best wishes Chris

    Click Here to see my photos

  • Unknown said:

    Ej has been trying to shift that big branch,but has now given up. does anyone know which bird brought it to the nest in the first place ??

    Such wonderful viewing today, and very amusing at times especially when Star had a go at Mum. Its taken me hours to finish the ironing as I keep stopping and gazing at these amazing birds.

    Can't remember MLake but it was the wind (small surprise there !) that carted it across the nest.