Daily Update Thursday June 2, 2011

Evening all: Off to see what's going on at the nest.


  • Morning all!

    Thanks to Auntie and Annette for the captures again, and doing the 'graveyard shift'. Seems to be windy once more today. EJ is fidgeting (well who wouldn't with those growing chicks wriggling about underneath?)

    Glad to see Odin has delivered breakfast, although it seems a second breakfast was ignored. Perhaps she was loath to uncover her little ones, or maybe they really had all been 'fed up' !

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • Chicks peeping out

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • @Annette..I am trying to be optimistic, as if I recall correctly,last year on Loch of Lowes,similar occurrence, when she remained on the edge of the nest,looking very listless, but amazingly recovered.

    As was mentioned the winds and rain plus lower temperatures this year, may have taken their toll, so fingers crossed, all will be well.



  • Having a look around, then tucked back under EJ's wing

    Personally I don't think there is nothing seriously wrong with EJ, I think she might be just tired due the non-stop wind

  • Good morning all and I agree with Auntie. Although I am thoroughly fed up of the weather they are having.

    Thank you very muh for the early photo images


    Thu 2 Jun BST
      Wind Avg.   Gust Temp. Rain Weather Cloud Visibility Pressure
    WSW 13 mph to 22 mph 15 C 0 mm

    28% 16100 m 1031 mb
    WSW 13 mph to 18 mph 18 C 0 mm

    31% 15700 m 1033 mb
    WSW 12 mph to 16 mph 18 C 0 mm

    8% 16300 m 1033 mb
    WSW 8 mph to 14 mph 16 C 0 mm

    4% 16200 m 1034 mb
    SW 7 mph to 12 mph 12 C 0 mm

  • Temps are 'hot' for LG  so at least the wind must be warm


    Oh yes,  Fish 1                 then  ?

  • Morning all ... thanks for pics and posts ... and weather info, Cirrus! EJ sitting in the wind ... AGAIN :-))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Good morning all just a quick look as I have to go out today.  Bit worried to see there was some concern for EJ but perhaps as has been said ethe wind is taking it's toll.  Still sounds quite gusty.  Gloas to see there were 2 late fish last night, caught the first one but had to turn off as I had been watching most of the day and I was definitely getting square eyed.  Thanks for all the captures and pleased to see EJ as the sun on her back.  She has just returned from a toilet break I think and now she is off again.  Star and Storm looking well and growing in leaps and bounds.


  • EJ has just flown off for a minute, and the chicks have been scrapping already!

    Video clip to follow!

    EJ back

    then off again

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • EJ has just been for a couple of flyabouts, bringing back sticks. While she was gone chick #1 was moving a few little sticks too!!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread