Weekly Chat, Saturday September 5, 2009

  • DjoaS  when I went up to the Google site they were only offering 5 or a download to a previous version  4.3. Now I'm concerned I need a graphics card and know NOTTHING about them. I'm getting desperate;

    Would downloading this _ I have no idea what it is but maybe a graphics card - help?  It' free

    ATI Mobility Radion 9000 IGP


    How do I get hold of GE 8

  • Cirrus

    Don't know anything about graphics cards, but this is how I did it  ...

    If you type 'Google Earth 8 download' into your search it should show you the site where you can download it.

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • DjoanS - bless YOU!  thank you - done that , got it and apart from the 'empty' boxes randomly distrubuted over the globe ( rather irritating but ......) I can now see Rothes' and Mallachie's route quite clearly and I have terrain. Phew ! Can't tell you how grateful I am  to you. One stress less - off to work in an hour but NOW (thanks to you) I can look forward to the satellite data being updated tonight and view it when  I get home.

    A big hug and a X


  • Thanks Margobird

    She is really getting a move on:)

  • Diane/Wattle: Didn't do the Siberia trip - too cold there!  :-)   But BELOW ground level! I'm impressed!

     I didn't confess to inumerable (sp?) failed test flights on GE - I took the pokey plane. Of course, once I read the instructions, it helped, but barely. The controls are counter-intuitive.

  • Cirrus

    Glad it worked ... I know how frustrating these things can be ... don't work too hard :))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Cirrus/Djoan: I just updated GE - it was version 5. IE has a version 8 update (which I haven't done yet.)

    Cirrus, as a last resort, throw computer across room and then drive over it in large truck. It won't solve the software problem, but at least it will destroy enough hardware that you won't have to spend more time trying to fix the blankety-blank thing!

    Margobird: Thanks for new blog info.


  • Thanks Lindybird!

  • Gary has posted a link on Facebook to a U.S. osprey cam (not live) in Maryland. What's nice is that on their blog page there's a reference to "the famous Loch Garten ospreys."   How cool is that!