I thought a little earlier that I could hear noises from the last egg but maybe the chicks make sucking noises? Anyway, I'm up so I thought I'd start us off. But going to bed now.
Good night EJ it sounds a little wet now
EJ flew off for toilet break, came back and is now feeding the chicks again with some leftovers I think.
Sadly I missed EJ exploding off the nest, after an intruder.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Hello to you Alex, not sure if we've met before. Thanks for your posts.
HI Alicat
Lovely pic Joan of the family
and a great sequence from you Woodpecker
Hi Margo
'Lo Lindy, I like the Still cam images , the contrast is so good
Lots of action since I went out ! got to get a meal now to be ready for work this evening
Just logged on again and EJ is alarm calling and quite agitated
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
New blog and NEWS ABOUT ROTHES!!!!! :))))))
my photos in flickr
Caught up again.
Thanks for the updates and super pics. Alarm calling has stopped.
Thanks Auntie for the info.
Thanks for the heads-up auntie .... brilliant news :-)))
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
And Radio Chaffinch is seranading EJ and the chicks.
Hi everyone.
Thanks for all the updates, pics etc. Lovely to see the two bobbleheads doing so well. Saw baby Starlings in the garden this morning for the first time this year. Absolutely adorable, and they looked very happy. So perhaps they know about the LG chicks as well ;-)
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
EJ eating some leftover fish on the nest.
EDIT - she gave a few bites to Chick 1