Technical Test Thread

I have decided to start this thread for discussing technical issues that come up rather than messing up the other threads.

I guess the first issue seems to be pasting Word text into posting boxes.

Recently we have had three threads lockup up as a result of posts involving Word text.

  • It's taken me a-g-e-s to get in here this morning.  The problem starts at the point of access to LG blog/forum, the main RSPB site is fine, navigation is fine via keyword>ospreys>LochGarten but then it seizes up.  I even tried to get in via "scylla's activity" but that wouldn't load, got a red error message eventually.


  • Morning, Scylla - that's forever happening to me.  It drives Limpy mad as well!  I hope you're OK today.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • This type of problem has been reported many times and as it is spasmodic it seems it is difficult to fix. My understanding from speaking to the web team about it is that the Forumn section is actually run by a separate group.

  • Someone needs to have a quiet word with them, then - as this section will get extremely busy for the next few months it will be horrendous if we get repeatedly blocked from necessary threads.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare. I've spoken to them a few times!. There are contact details on the home page for the web team by e-mail or the main 'phone line. In the past when I have filled in the fault report form it won't go. Seems that some browers don't connect!!. May be if a few members send in reports or ring it might prompt some action?

  • I have not had an problem myself this morning, and have "popped in" several times since scylla's post at the top of the page. 

    One tip; some people seem to use very convoluted routes to get here, and I wonder whether that is sometimes part of the problem.

    I have Bookmarks set up in my browser (in Internet Explorer they are called Favorites) to take me straight to the

    Community Home Page or the

    Loch Garten Forum 

    without coming via the main RSPB site. If you're not doing that at the moment, try it and see if it helps. Sorry if this seems obvious, but I don't think it is to everyone. 

  • Sue C. That's exactly how I normally access the site. However if that fails it will sometimes work by going the 'long way' round!. Don't ask why!!.


  • Unknown said:
    some people seem to use very convoluted routes to get here

    I'm wounded Sue :o ....... ;-)

    I use Chrome for LG and when I open Chrome the forum is already loaded on its devoted tab.  This morning's excursions were prompted by desperation and trying to find where it all went wrong :-)

    Re the stillcam not refreshing:

    As mentioned elsewhere, I use Firefox with an extension "Auto Refresh", presently set for 2 mins.  (Because Firefox is what I'm using for the cams.)  I can't post a link (not permitted to copy url) but Google will find it.

    I've just installed one for Chrome called "Easy Auto Refresh" - there is a more popular one, I see, but it's got an additional feature that I don't want to complicate my life with.  So far it seems that "easy" is the operative word, except you might have to use MS Calculator sometimes to work out how many seconds' interval you want, it works in seconds rather than minutes.


  • PS - I've got to go offline for ??? don't know how long while I pay Dell to sort out my network for me.  Breaks me heart :-(