Technical Test Thread

I have decided to start this thread for discussing technical issues that come up rather than messing up the other threads.

I guess the first issue seems to be pasting Word text into posting boxes.

Recently we have had three threads lockup up as a result of posts involving Word text.

  • Hazel b said:

    Very Nifty Index Tiger - but alas I still have to scroll down to find the relevant post, so annoying, but at least I know why its happening now

    Yes but by persistence we found out why! There are just so many ways that things are being viewed now.


    Well the credit goes to Chloe as she was the one who made it clear that it was going to her post, and of course the penny dropping with me that it was the browser causing it, never would have thought about that before but just recently I have had problems with IE8 viewing another programme so thought I would try Firefox and bingo it worked.

  • kate2 said:

     You are certainly fast at this.

    A bit faster than Kate and Mike eh? :))


    Now c.mon be FAIR to Kate and Mike.:)

    We were just egging you all along,to ensure you really spelled it out for those lurking and to afraid to ask:);)

    (That's my excuse anywayssss :);)

    [/quote]LOL I thought that would get you going! :))))

  • Whatever it takes to make everyone smile, then I do not mind being the fall guy :):)

    Just a reminder :):)



  • Unknown said:

    Your link took me straight to my post Mary.

    Chloe the good thing about yesterday's discovery of it being the Browser Choice causing my link to a post (FOR ME) going to the top of the page,

    is that although it didnt work for me, it worked for everyone else, so thats the main thing.   Tks again for helping me out with it.  

    [/quote]YW Mary. Thank you too. It reminded me that previous versions of the same browser don't necessarily work in the same way :)

  • kate2 said:

    Whatever it takes to make everyone smile, then I do not mind being the fall guy :):)

    Just a reminder :):)


    That goes for me too Kate :))

  • kate2 said:

    Whatever it takes to make everyone smile, then I do not mind being the fall guy :):)

    Just a reminder :):)


    Yes Kate I now put your instructions as the official ones on how to do posh links



  • Teacher!!!!See how quickly( this time!!!) i went straight to the Post!!!!!

    and could not let all Marys hard work be buried in mists of time:):)

    EDIT awh!!! TIGER, was only condensing the lesson :):) but maybe I should spell it out 'how to highlight HERE as see Noisette needed to ask :);)


  • Hazel C said:

    Thanks again to all concerned with showing me how to find & use my clipboard (& do posh posting). It would have saved me hours in the past of repetitive typing when I've been entering old observations on the site (listing the same 3 or 4 observers for numerous observations!!) It's great though when you learn something new, gives you a real boost, the smile stayed on my face all day, I even managed to come from a street down to beat my husband at crib, definately my day!!

    Yes I completely agree with you Noisette. Learning new things can be a real tonic. LOL I don't play crib myself but so pleased to that you beat your husband at it :))

  • kate2 said:

    Teacher!!!!See how quickly( this time!!!) i went straight to the Post!!!!!

    and could not let all Marys hard work be buried in mists of time:):)

    EDIT awh!!! TIGER, was only condensing the lesson :):) but maybe I should spell it out 'how to highlight HERE as see Noisette needed to ask :);)

    Well you can always edit your post to say whay you think it should say.

  • Mike B said:

    Kate2 - so funny ....    I am sure that was the longest lesson in the history of the Technical Thread LOL....  I think you & Mike may have stopped for lunch or dinner during it though, so maybe the downtime shouldnt count ROFL.....

    You are quite right Mary we did stop in the middle as, in my case friends were coming !!. However I'm sure Kate is happy to be classed as a 'record holder' along with me particularly as it has caused such amusement !.LoL

    [/quote]Mike thank you, along with Kate you provided us with a very enjoyable time indeed. Thank you for not minding being laughed at. You both excelled in the end :))