Technical Test Thread

I have decided to start this thread for discussing technical issues that come up rather than messing up the other threads.

I guess the first issue seems to be pasting Word text into posting boxes.

Recently we have had three threads lockup up as a result of posts involving Word text.

  • Unknown said:

    There is no menu opening up for me to post the link icon

    Have you highlighted the text that you want to be the name of the link by drawing the cursor across it?

  • Well if you then click the link icon a menu should open

  • Tiger I have got it to work, I had to right click it, and then I was doing it in reverse LOL....  so funny I told you I was hard work, but we got there in the end, I would HATE for me to be your first failure

  • Now I will have to write it down so that I can remember how to do it.