Hi everyone.
Many thanks for all the updates, pics etc. Great to have sound back on but I must admit the weather forecasts and the wind I'm currently hearing on the LG cam, have got me feeling a bit edgy. I can hear calls but they sound more like small bird than Ospreys (adult or chick). EJ is currently awake, and just as I was about to say she looks deep in thought, she gave one of those looks :-)
But she does look quite thoughtful though
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Lynette D said:Just noticed that the large stick seems to have moved somewhat unless its the angle of the cam
I wish it would move altogether :-)) Odin tried to move it when he first saw no 1 bobblehead but he couldn't
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
jsb said: I have been doing some chick stats and found that #2 is not as late as I had thought. #1 incubated for 35 calendar days, but actually 35.78 days of lapsed time. If #2 were to arrive at 22.10pm tonight the same time as #1 did then, that would be 37.1 days. Last year based on the main blog archive (as I cannot locate my notes) the chicks were in order of age, 36.17, 34.83 and 34.93 days incubation. Roy Dennis and others frequently refer to 37 days and in the USA I have seen 'up to 42 days' which I thought was a bit unusual. So we could say our LG range is 35 to 36+ days over this year and last.
I have been doing some chick stats and found that #2 is not as late as I had thought. #1 incubated for 35 calendar days, but actually 35.78 days of lapsed time. If #2 were to arrive at 22.10pm tonight the same time as #1 did then, that would be 37.1 days. Last year based on the main blog archive (as I cannot locate my notes) the chicks were in order of age, 36.17, 34.83 and 34.93 days incubation. Roy Dennis and others frequently refer to 37 days and in the USA I have seen 'up to 42 days' which I thought was a bit unusual. So we could say our LG range is 35 to 36+ days over this year and last.
JSB First eggs normally hatch at 37 or 38 days. 2nd and subsequent eggs normally hatch much quicker at about 35 or 36 days. I cannot think of a single example of where a second egg took longer to hatch than a first egg. EJ is in unusual in that her first egg usually hatches on 36 days. The exceptions being 2006 when it was 38 days and this year 35 days.
The times in the USA are pretty similar to the UK. However the big exception is Millford Conneticut. I have seen that nest take 41 days more than once. In fact if memory serves me right it took 41 days for a fourth egg in 2006 after the other three eggs did not hatch. Also it took 41 days for the first egg to hatch either last year or in 2009. In both cases they fledged four juveniles from that nest.
Interestingly I have never seen an egg fail to hatch at Loch Garten after a normal incubation. If egg #2 fails to hatch then it will be a first as I have seen.
Tiger Signature
Tiger, I would hate to think that any of the eggs fail to hatch, but I am starting to think that #2 egg may have failed. We all watched the other night when EJ was so restless, and we all expected news or sighting of a second chick the next morning. Perhaps that chick was not successful in its struggle to break free of the egg......I hope that's not the case. How are we going time-wise for a normal hatching of chick #3?
Smiles, Jan.
Tiger do you have any information as to the effect weather has on the development of the chicks in the eggs? It has been raining for days. Even thought EJ is doing her best to keep the eggs warm and dry that nest must be soaked under her. None of Lady's eggs have hatched either and that nest is experiencing the same rainy, windy weather as LG . LOTL eggs not hatching may be due to Lady's advanced age or ?
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Wattle15 said: Tiger, I would hate to think that any of the eggs fail to hatch, but I am starting to think that #2 egg may have failed. We all watched the other night when EJ was so restless, and we all expected news or sighting of a second chick the next morning. Perhaps that chick was not successful in its struggle to break free of the egg......I hope that's not the case. How are we going time-wise for a normal hatching of chick #3?
Well the egg #3 was laid at around 6.41pm on 19th April. Thus it reaches 35 days today.
It would seem reasonable that egg #3 should hatch later today (Tuesday 24th May)
Unknown said: Tiger do you have any information as to the effect weather has on the development of the chicks in the eggs? It has been raining for days. Even thought EJ is doing her best to keep the eggs warm and dry that nest must be soaked under her. None of Lady's eggs have hatched either and that nest is experiencing the same rainy, windy weather as LG . LOTL eggs not hatching may be due to Lady's advanced age or ?
Inteeresting to think about but a bit too late right now!
The rain seems to have let up a bit. EJ's feathers look drier . The wind is still blowing , but it doesn't appear to be as fierce either . Earlier her feathers were so soaked they were matted down
Barbara I sent you a PM.
Starting new thread.
As a note for record keepes....I have just discovered that the above can be taken as a screen shot (PrSc) and inserted into a space on my stats spreadsheet, Excel Office 2010.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies