Hi everyone.
Many thanks for all the updates, pics etc. Great to have sound back on but I must admit the weather forecasts and the wind I'm currently hearing on the LG cam, have got me feeling a bit edgy. I can hear calls but they sound more like small bird than Ospreys (adult or chick). EJ is currently awake, and just as I was about to say she looks deep in thought, she gave one of those looks :-)
But she does look quite thoughtful though
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Unofficial facebook reports of a tornado seen out in the Moray Firth!!!
Thanks Joan.
I have been doing some chick stats and found that #2 is not as late as I had thought. #1 incubated for 35 calendar days, but actually 35.78 days of lapsed time. If #2 were to arrive at 22.10pm tonight the same time as #1 did then, that would be 37.1 days. Last year based on the main blog archive (as I cannot locate my notes) the chicks were in order of age, 36.17, 34.83 and 34.93 days incubation. Roy Dennis and others frequently refer to 37 days and in the USA I have seen 'up to 42 days' which I thought was a bit unusual. So we could say our LG range is 35 to 36+ days over this year and last.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Thanks for those posts telling of camera down. Thought it was just me. Its good to know that EJ and Odin haven't been too badly affected by the conditions.
I also heard of 100mph gusts and rumour of tornado in Moray firth, but didn't see anything myself. Hope the dust cloud from the drilled fields here isn't confusing some folk!!
those stats are great,JSB,comforting too as I thought gap between hatches was getting rather long.
The mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if it's not open.
JSB : Thanks for the accurate stats. Not too worried that the 2nd egg has not hatched yet but there is going to be a big difference in size between chick 1 and chick 2 at this rate. I noticed at Glaslyn that all the chicks were much the same size as they all hatched in a 5 day period. I am more concerned about the eggs at LOTL as there should have been at least one hatch there by now.
Cam back on. EJ hunkered down and calling softly, more in hope than expectation I think. There's a fish tail just behind her R. wing so maybe she has fed recently.
Thanks jsb for the stats - always interesting to find out that they are within the perimeter of time so to speak.
It is an amazing job that Odin is doing - managing to catch fish at all. Heard on the news of the terrible weather up there in Scotland.
That wind is still at it and EJ stoically as ever brooding her chick and eggs. Fish tail can be seen by her back end peeping out.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Just noticed that the large stick seems to have moved somewhat unless its the angle of the cam.
Lets hope this wind dies down overnight and tomorrow brings a better day, it really has been aweful up there today.
Night cam just gone on.