Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!
OG do you find that charity bags are like buses. you don't get any for ages then get 2 or 3 in one week. Don't know if I will be cycling anywhere, Although friend is smaller than me I found her bike too high with very high bars so when I stopped I couldn't stay on the saddle and put a foot down. I was not at all happy and gave up quickly. think we will ask a local shop to get a smaller bike with different style of bars with no obligation to buy. Will always try to take Dillon when we can but he is back to short lead walks again as the arthritis has been playing up again, poor boy.
TIGER your pics really made me smile, loved then hen and pup
BETTYBOO we usually donate things to "New Start" (rehousung people who have been living on the street) and they have taken anything. Old style tv. mattresses, carpets to mention but a few. Wonder if they have anything like that your way?
Do not know whether I should admit to this but we went to "Made in Beauly" today and bought a toilet roll stand with a sort of cardboard cut out of a life sized (I think) Meerkat in front of the pole which holds 3 loo rolls. OK I have dubious taste but it makes me smile!!
Alan – that Swallow photo is very good – I saved it and increased the “Gamma” which showed up its coloured face-patch. And another excellent photo of the Tufted Duck!
Jay-Me – that Family History project sounds interesting – but lots of miles to cover to get them all!
Have a good weekend yourself, Margo!
Alicat – sorry about internet connection – glad you can find places to go to keep up with LG news.
Tina – sorry to read about Swans on your river – it is all so senseless. One newspaper, which had the report of the Terrier crawling home on legs broken in the tornado, contrasted it with a cruelty case in Malta (no surprises there!). Have seen how picky “those in need” can be when part of OH’s charity work was overseeing a charity warehouse.
Annette – sad about your Sister’s wee Pheasant – but she did her best for it. Lots of people having haircuts this weekend – mine will be Tuesday and I feel like a haystack – it’s grown so fast this time – must be all that rain!
Dibnlib – Charity bags definitely flock together – and some of them are very picky too about what you can put in – they must think we buy a lot of new clothes. Latest one here allows bric-a-brac, so we have been able to empty our “charity bag cupboard” in the spare bedroom. Sorry that Dillon has a flare-up of his arthritis. Surprised by your purchase at Beauly – thought you were more sophisticated than that, with your usual designer labels!
Two of OH's photos from Glenwhan. One of trees and Rododendrons taken from quite high up and one of the bank of the upper of the two lochans.
These were taken on the small camera we keep in the car. We have now bought a second Canon body to share the good lenses and not have to change them over so often.
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Started a new thread.