Weekly Chat, Sunday 22 May 2011

Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!

  • LINDYBIRD   me too. when I have a heap of irining to do I always look up the tv channels before I start. If I can find some thing to watch then ironing is not a problem.

  • Joan You are no failure. Everyone gets it eventually it is just a matter of time.  I am always amazed at how good they become at it!

    dibblib  Yes combining tasks is a very good strategy. One of the most frustrating tasks in life is waiting in for  untility service person. It is made much more bearable if one does some "infinite" task like filing while waiting. In other words the longer the wait the more one gets done.


  • Morning all,

    3 chicks for the Black Storks in Estonia. Chicks are tiny compared to the parents Tina and Tiit.

  • I thought I laid claim to being Tigers main failure, Joan!   Lets not fight over it, though, and just claim to be non-techie instead    ;-)

    Thanks for the link to the Airport Peregrines, Tiger,   lovely.

    I saw those pics in the Daily Mail, too, but didnt have time to mention them yesterday - was running round all over the place, so glad to have a day in today, apart from going out to the shop for something to eat later.  Have been having my hot chocolate & watching the antics of the Blue Tits who are nesting in our Bird House - they are sooo busy!

  • I have just written a long reply to you all but the page froze  on the rich formatting page. Just about to leave to go to OH's sister for the weekend, but will try to keep in touch. Enjoy your BH weekend.

  • Have a good weekend, Brenda.

    Washing Machine update - the machine has just arrived,and I'm about to load it up now! - oooh, the excitement of it all!!!

    Bet you're all glad I'm going to shut up about it, now!

  • I just had an embarrassing moment .... thought you might enjoy it! I went out to the bin, and heard a blackbird singing, beautifully, on next door's roof ... at which point I said, "Good morning beautiful!" Only to see the window cleaner, who was doing their windows,  looking at me in amazement. "I'm talking to the blackbird", I said .... fortunately he saw the funny side :-))

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • How funny, Joan -    & I'm glad to know that others talk to the birds, too!    ;-)

  • Joan - Had a funny moment myself just now - Speaking to somebody on the phone, person wanted to pin OH down to a time for them making a joint visit somewhere today. I replied 'Its as well to give me a definite time because otherwise he might take his clothes off and go down the garden' Cue pause on the other end of the phone--

  • OG - really lovely pictures (I'm a rock girl)

    Hello Bettyboo - it's good to see you again

    Diane oh Diane - it's wonderful to have you back safe and sound - the rabbit  must have been so traumatised poor little bunny

    Alan - very good input re all your links

    I've decided , I just don't understand Tiger - two chores I dread: ironing and mending

    Lindy - top marks for your ironing frenzy at your friends - good for your OH - it was only any ariel but when I went digital TV wise I just ''assumed'' the guy would remove the old one until I found it hidden around the  back ! a ha Lindy - a spring clean wash day - enjoy your new maching  :)

    Absolutely right Tiger - reaction v reponse. . I've tried so hard to put brain into gear so I repond and not react but it's so difficult.

    Tina - hello and welcome aboard

    Happpy decorating Wendy - hope it goes well

    JayMe , hello , enjoy your craft workshop

    Many thanks for peregrine link Tiger and how I agree with you about utility service persons - or couriers- etc  I just hate being under house arrest

    Wonderful about the 3 chicks for the Black Storks Alan. Such a shame Linda and Sulve are not nesting this year or have chosen a second site (which I hope)

    Enjoy your weekend away Brenda - it's so frustrating when PC ''things'' happen

    Oh Joan, I really did laugh out loud  :)

    Heather  !!  that's really lovely - how did you think so quickly - I had a good chuckel of this as well

    Off to put my makeup on, see you later....