Hi, all. Welcome to a new week!
Tiger, I do not find ironing therapeutic, although my mother always said that she did and when she came to live with us, I never had to do any ironing.
Morning all,
Tiger: What is ironing? I am a dab hand at hanging out the washing. Lady P guided me through the basics and I have never looked back.
OG: Thanks for your pics of Logan Botancal Gardens. I once went there when the kids were little many years ago. Also great swallow pic. I also have one from the Wales holiday but it is not as good as yours due to bad light.
WendyB : Glad you managed to meet up with Sheila on such an exciting day.
The last washing machine we bought from John Lewis broke down on the first day. It was a Zanussi. We got a relacement and I haggled 10% off the price due to the hassle we had. It is a Bosch and have had no trouble with it.
Cloudy today with showeres later maybe. We shall see.
Here is a male GSW at the cottage:
Ah so I stuck a chord with ironing. I thought I might do.
You see in my view life is full of feedback loops which all go to stabilise our delicate psyche. I think the psyche needs constant resetting ever day. That is why it is so therapeutic to see the sun coming up and the sun going down. Then there is the phenomena of smell. Somehow the whiff of a long forgotten scent can send a real buzz through your mind.
I think people regard excitement as good and boredom as bad. The reality is that too much excitement can be as bad as too much boredom. Our anscesters spent an awful lot of time being bored.
The reality is that if we do do attend to our basic life it will soon degrade. I find tasks like laundry, ironing and filing very good at calming me down when I am excited. So double whammy, the task gets done and you feel better.
I am sure that most of the people going to doctor's surgeries are mostly suffering from stress of one form or another. It is just that we have become too addicted to the quick fix rather than look at how our ancesters coped without all the gizmos we have today.
The old adage of work, rest and play is so true.
Alan An iron is one of those things you hit ball with! They tend to be number one to ten!
Brenda H You were spoiled! :)
Tiger Signature
Hi, everyone. Thank you all for your kind concern. I'm okay, but I had a terrifying night. Our news media is calling the last 24 hours "historic". The storms seemed to go on forever yesterday, growing in intensity, until a massive, solid squall line surged across a big portion of the state. It hit here about 9:00 PM. By the time that main line of storms pushed into Indiana from Illinois, it was awe-inspiring. It raised the hair on the back of my neck when I saw it on radar.
It spawned at least 15 tornadoes -- I expect that number will grow after today's damage assessments. My area had 80 mile-per-hour straight-line winds. I heard a sound like a giant helicopter at one point, so one of the twisters might have passed over my valley.
The tornado sirens went off 4 different times here. I was huddled in my makeshift tornado shelter, in the dark with a flashlight and a NOAA radio, for about 2 hours before I thought it was safe enough to get out.
Devastation is everywhere. Roads closed because of downed trees and debris, major gas leaks, flash and river flooding, hail damage (some places had nearly 3 inches of hail on the ground), numerous power outages... By the time the brunt of the storms hit, we were under the highest level of warnings that I've seen since the epic storms of 1965.
My power went out when the main squall line went over my area, and it has just now been restored. It's nearly 5:00 AM here. I won't know until the sun comes up whether I have any damage, but the house seems okay. I am truly blessed that the worst of the storms hit south of me.
Okay, I'm going to roost for awhile. I have an earache and a headache from the air pressure changes. I'll be in a better mood when I check in again. So glad to hear about Rothes!!!
Diane Glad to hear you are ok.
Hazel b said:I have just done the ironing. I find the ironing a very therapeutic thing to do. Does anyone else find that?
I don't know as I don't do it, but I will ask my OH later.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Diane, I can't imagine the terror you must have felt but so glad to hear that you are safe.
Oh Diane, what a nightmare for you! So very glad you are ok.
Tiger I only iron...or rather steam press...when I have to. I tend to wash/dry in such a way that much of my stuff doesn't need it. I must admit though that the smell and feel of soft clean clothes is lovely. I always use fabric conditioner for that reason.
I find my animals tend to keep me on an even keel. Have to look after them, clean up after them, no matter what.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data
Hi Diane
It sounds like you had a nightmare of a time out there.
I'm pleased to hear that you're OK
Diane - so glad you are safe, but what a terrifying experience. Thanks for taking the time to tell us you are ok ... have a good sleep!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
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